Thursday, 3 January 2019


#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

if [ -z "${SPARK_HOME}" ]; then
export SPARK_HOME="$(cd "`dirname "$0"`"/..; pwd)"

source "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/
export _SPARK_CMD_USAGE="Usage: ./bin/pyspark [options]"

# DHANKAR --- 05 JAN 19 --- this line above here --- source "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/
# it takes the PATH for SPARK_HOME --- from the ./bashrc --- own local file
# In Spark 2.0, IPYTHON and IPYTHON_OPTS are removed and pyspark fails to launch if either option
# is set in the user's environment. Instead, users should set PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=ipython
# to use IPython and set PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS to pass options when starting the Python driver
# (e.g. PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS='notebook'). This supports full customization of the IPython
# and executor Python executables.

# Determine the Python executable to use if PYSPARK_PYTHON or PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON isn't set:
if hash python2.7 2>/dev/null; then
# Attempt to use Python 2.7, if installed:

# Fail noisily if removed options are set
if [[ -n "$IPYTHON" || -n "$IPYTHON_OPTS" ]]; then
echo "Error in pyspark startup:"
echo "IPYTHON and IPYTHON_OPTS are removed in Spark 2.0+. Remove these from the environment and set PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON and PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS instead."
exit 1

# Default to standard python interpreter unless told otherwise
if [[ -z "$PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON" ]]; then

WORKS_WITH_IPYTHON=$($DEFAULT_PYTHON -c 'import sys; print(sys.version_info >= (2, 7, 0))')

# Determine the Python executable to use for the executors:
if [[ -z "$PYSPARK_PYTHON" ]]; then
if [[ $PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON == *ipython* && ! WORKS_WITH_IPYTHON ]]; then
echo "IPython requires Python 2.7+; please install python2.7 or set PYSPARK_PYTHON" 1>&2
exit 1

# Add the PySpark classes to the Python path:

# Load the PySpark script when ./pyspark is used interactively:
export PYTHONSTARTUP="${SPARK_HOME}/python/pyspark/"

# For pyspark tests
if [[ -n "$SPARK_TESTING" ]]; then

exec "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/spark-submit pyspark-shell-main --name "PySparkShell" "$@"

import findspark
In [2]:
import pyspark
import random
In [3]:
sc = pyspark.SparkContext(appName="Pi")
num_samples = 100000000

def inside(p):
    x, y = random.random(), random.random()
    return x*x + y*y < 1

count = sc.parallelize(range(0, num_samples)).filter(inside).count()

pi = 4 * count / num_samples

In [4]:
sc = pyspark.SparkContext(appName="Daily_Show_Test1")
print(sc) #
<SparkContext master=local[*] appName=Daily_Show_Test1>
In [5]:
## Dhankar >> PySpark initiated with FindSpark
# SparkContext started 
# Got CSV from 
# Converted CSV to TSV 
# Now importing data from TSV 
# raw_d == the SPARK RDD Object
# Print out top 15 Rows

raw_d = sc.textFile("dsT1.tsv")
# In the above line of Code - actual Loading of CSV in RDD is Not yet Done 
# Its Done LAZILY - "as and when ABOSULUTELY required" as below - 
In [6]:
 '1999\tactor\t1/11/99\tActing\tMichael J. Fox',
 '1999\tComedian\t1/12/99\tComedy\tSandra Bernhard',
 '1999\ttelevision actress\t1/13/99\tActing\tTracey Ullman',
 '1999\tfilm actress\t1/14/99\tActing\tGillian Anderson',
 '1999\tactor\t1/18/99\tActing\tDavid Alan Grier',
 '1999\tactor\t1/19/99\tActing\tWilliam Baldwin',
 '1999\tSinger-lyricist\t1/20/99\tMusician\tMichael Stipe',
 '1999\tmodel\t1/21/99\tMedia\tCarmen Electra',
 '1999\tactor\t1/25/99\tActing\tMatthew Lillard',
 '1999\tstand-up comedian\t1/26/99\tComedy\tDavid Cross',
 '1999\tactress\t1/27/99\tActing\tYasmine Bleeth',
 '1999\tactor\t1/28/99\tActing\tD. L. Hughley',
 '1999\ttelevision actress\t10/18/99\tActing\tRebecca Gayheart',
 '1999\tComedian\t10/19/99\tComedy\tSteven Wright']
In [7]:
# Using a 'map' function operate on all elements within a RDD object

daily_show = line: line.split('\t'))
[['YEAR', 'GoogleKnowlege_Occupation', 'Show', 'Group', 'Raw_Guest_List'],
 ['1999', 'actor', '1/11/99', 'Acting', 'Michael J. Fox'],
 ['1999', 'Comedian', '1/12/99', 'Comedy', 'Sandra Bernhard'],
 ['1999', 'television actress', '1/13/99', 'Acting', 'Tracey Ullman'],
 ['1999', 'film actress', '1/14/99', 'Acting', 'Gillian Anderson']]
In [8]:
daily_show = line: line.split('99'))
 ['1', '9\tactor\t1/11/', '\tActing\tMichael J. Fox'],
 ['1', '9\tComedian\t1/12/', '\tComedy\tSandra Bernhard'],
 ['1', '9\ttelevision actress\t1/13/', '\tActing\tTracey Ullman'],
 ['1', '9\tfilm actress\t1/14/', '\tActing\tGillian Anderson'],
 ['1', '9\tactor\t1/18/', '\tActing\tDavid Alan Grier'],
 ['1', '9\tactor\t1/19/', '\tActing\tWilliam Baldwin'],
 ['1', '9\tSinger-lyricist\t1/20/', '\tMusician\tMichael Stipe'],
 ['1', '9\tmodel\t1/21/', '\tMedia\tCarmen Electra'],
 ['1', '9\tactor\t1/25/', '\tActing\tMatthew Lillard']]
In [9]:
print(type(daily_show)) ## <class 'pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD'>
<class 'pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD'>
In [10]:
#reduceByKey() ##

tally = x: (x[0], 1)).reduceByKey(lambda x,y: x+y)
print(tally) #PythonRDD[9] at RDD at PythonRDD.scala:53
PythonRDD[9] at RDD at PythonRDD.scala:53
In [13]:
## Explanation ##
#%time bigger_chunk = raw_d.take(5000) 

# 1st RUN 
# CPU times: user 8 ms, sys: 8 ms, total: 16 ms
# Wall time: 274 ms

#%time bigger_chunk = raw_d.take(50000) 
# 2nd RUN
# CPU times: user 12 ms, sys: 8 ms, total: 20 ms
# Wall time: 299 ms

%time tally.take(tally.count())
CPU times: user 56 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 56 ms
Wall time: 503 ms
CPU times: user 56 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 56 ms
Wall time: 503 ms
[('2012\tactress\t1/26/12\tActing\tTilda Swinton', 1),
 ('2009\tcommentator\t3/30/09\tMedia\tJack Cafferty', 1),
 ('2000\tMusician\t8/23/00\tMusician\tSlash', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t1/24/13\tActing\tChristopher Walken', 1),
 ('2006\thistorian\t3/9/06\tAcademic\tBruce Bartlett', 1),
 ('2008\tAuthor\t3/5/08\tMedia\tMartin Fletcher', 1),
 ('2007\tactor\t6/26/07\tActing\tBruce Willis', 1),
 ('2005\tus senator\t11/7/05\tPolitician\tSen. Barack Obama', 1),
 ('2014\tConsultant\t1/14/14\tPolitical Aide\tTim Gunn', 1),
 ('2007\tGovernor of Virginia\t1/23/07\tPolitician\tTerry McAuliffe', 1),
 ('2000\tSinger-lyricist\t1/13/00\tMusician\tMichael Stipe', 1),
 ('2002\tjournalist\t11/20/02\tMedia\tCatherine Crier', 1),
 ('2011\tactor\t12/7/11\tActing\tRalph Fiennes', 1),
 ('2007\tpolitical consultant\t6/12/07\tConsultant\tRobert Shrum', 1),
 ('2004\tjournalist\t12/16/04\tMedia\tKatie Couric', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t6/24/02\tActing\tColin Farrell', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t8/16/00\tActing\tWilliam Baldwin', 1),
 ('2003\ttelevision actress\t8/7/03\tActing\tTracey Ullman', 1),
 ('2012\tStatistician\t10/17/12\tMedia\tNate Silver', 1),
 ('2009\tJournalist\t8/3/09\tMedia\tRonald Kessler', 1),
 ('2000\tfilm actor\t9/5/00\tActing\tDonal Logue', 1),
 ('2008\tComedian\t10/28/08\tComedy\tSteve Martin', 1),
 ('2003\twriter\t4/1/03\tMedia\tAnthony Swofford', 1),
 ('2005\tcomedian\t9/28/05\tComedy\tJeff Garlin', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t5/14/08\tMedia\tJohn Harwood', 1),
 ('2011\tlegal analyst\t10/27/11\tMisc\tAndrew Napolitano', 1),
 ('2015\tcomedian\t3/10/15\tComedy\tAbbi Jacobson', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t4/23/08\tMedia\tHoward Fineman', 1),
 ('2000\tactress\t12/20/00\tActing\tJeri Ryan', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t5/9/00\tActing\tJesse L. Martin', 1),
 ('2014\tactress\t7/30/14\tActing\tMaggie Gyllenhaal', 1),
 ('2004\tBroadcaster\t8/31/04\tMedia\tTed Koppel', 1),
 ('2005\tFilm actress\t3/7/05\tActing\tMelissa Boyle Mahle', 1),
 ('2015\tactress\t2/9/15\tActing\tPatricia Arquette', 1),
 ('2002\teditor\t4/29/02\tMedia\tSusan Caskie', 1),
 ('2011\tFormer Lieutenant Governor of Maryland\t2/1/11\tPolitician\tMichael Steele',
 ('2007\tBroadcaster\t10/3/07\tMedia\tTed Koppel', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t3/16/06\tActing\tVin Diesel', 1),
 ('2007\tactor\t5/1/07\tActing\tTobey Maguire', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t3/20/06\tActing\tClive Owen', 1),
 ('2010\tbiographer\t1/28/10\tMedia\tDoris Kearns Goodwin', 1),
 ('2006\tauthor\t6/27/06\tMedia\tHelen Thomas', 1),
 ('2009\tComedian\t6/23/09\tComedy\tLarry David', 1),
 ('2008\tactor\t6/23/08\tActing\tJames McAvoy', 1),
 ('2003\tformer us senator\t7/15/03\tPolitician\tGary Hart', 1),
 ('2012\tjournalist\t8/1/12\tMedia\tFred Guterl', 1),
 ('2003\tjournalist\t7/29/03\tMedia\tBrian Williams', 1),
 ('2009\tactress\t8/13/09\tActing\tRachel McAdams', 1),
 ('2012\tactor\t7/26/12\tActing\t"Zach the Erect"" Galifianakis & Will Ferrell"""',
 ('2000\tactor\t2/16/00\tActing\tMatthew Perry', 1),
 ('2005\trapper\t8/11/05\tMusician\tAndrí© Benjamin', 1),
 ('2002\tus senator\t12/16/02\tPolitician\tCharles Schumer', 1),
 ('2005\tFilm actress\t8/23/05\tActing\tRachel Weisz', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t6/13/01\tActing\tDavid Duchovny', 1),
 ('2015\tJournalist\t5/12/15\tMedia\tTom Brokaw', 1),
 ('2006\tcommunications consultant\t2/7/06\tPolitical Aide\tTorie Clarke', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t2/11/02\tActing\tScott Bakula', 1),
 ('2008\tus president\t10/29/08\tPolitician\tBarack Obama', 1),
 ('2007\tus senator\t8/8/07\tPolitician\tSen. Joe Biden', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t1/5/06\tActing\tPierce Brosnan', 1),
 ('2009\tauthor\t3/9/09\tMedia\tNathaniel Frank', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t1/5/05\tActing\tDon Cheadle', 1),
 ('2008\tEditor\t4/30/08\tMedia\tRobert Schlesinger', 1),
 ('2004\tformer us senator\t1/14/04\tPolitician\tCarol Moseley-Braun', 1),
 ('2006\tProfessor\t8/21/06\tAcademic\tReza Aslan', 1),
 ('2013\tAstrophysicist\t9/4/13\tScience\tMario Livio', 1),
 ('2008\tauthor\t7/23/08\tMedia\tT.J. English', 1),
 ('2012\tus secetary of education\t2/16/12\tPolitician\tArne Duncan', 1),
 ('2012\tformer governor of new mexico\t6/5/12\tPolitician\tGary Johnson', 1),
 ('YEAR\tGoogleKnowlege_Occupation\tShow\tGroup\tRaw_Guest_List', 1),
 ('2014\tJournalist\t9/2/14\tMedia\tRamita Navai', 1),
 ('2006\tsinger\t1/30/06\tMusician\tRandy Jackson', 1),
 ('2004\tus representative\t10/18/04\tPolitician\tEd Koch', 1),
 ('2008\ttelevision host\t7/24/08\tMedia\tGeo Beach', 1),
 ('2003\tcomedian\t3/3/03\tComedy\tEric Idle', 1),
 ('2010\tJournalist\t3/31/10\tMedia\tRoxana Saberi', 1),
 ('2008\tWriter\t2/7/08\tMedia\tLaton McCartney', 1),
 ('2007\tactress\t1/18/07\tActing\tRobin Wright Penn', 1),
 ('2003\t-\t8/14/03\tNA\t"Again\t A Look Back"', 1),
 ('2014\tactor\t11/20/14\tActing\tEddie Redmayne', 1),
 ('2006\tactress\t6/7/06\tActing\tBonnie Hunt', 1),
 ('2001\tjournalist\t10/11/01\tMedia\tJohn Miller', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t3/30/00\tActing\tJimmy Smits', 1),
 ('2013\tAcademic\t4/25/13\tAcademic\tVali Nasr', 1),
 ('2011\tactress\t8/1/11\tActing\tFreida Pinto', 1),
 ('2009\tauthor\t1/12/09\tMedia\tMaxwell Kennedy', 1),
 ('2011\twriter\t4/28/11\tMedia\tWilliam Cohan', 1),
 ('2001\tbroadcaster\t9/25/01\tMedia\tAaron Brown', 1),
 ('2009\tformer governor of new hampshire\t2/12/09\tPolitician\tJohn Sununu',
 ('2004\tauthor\t10/28/04\tMedia\tJohn Zogby', 1),
 ('2011\tStand-up comedian\t1/6/11\tComedy\tPatton Oswalt', 1),
 ('2008\tauthor\t12/3/08\tMedia\tArianna Huffington', 1),
 ('2002\tJournalist\t4/1/02\tMedia\tPaula Zahn', 1),
 ('2009\tprofessor\t7/14/09\tAcademic\tPeter Mancall', 1),
 ('2012\tProduct line\t9/19/12\tMisc\tPink', 1),
 ('2014\tjournalist\t2/24/14\tMedia\tHooman Majd', 1),
 ('2009\tBaseball athlete\t4/14/09\tAthletics\tRon Darling', 1),
 ('2015\tauthor\t4/20/15\tMedia\tGayle Tzemach Lemmon', 1),
 ('2007\tformer vice president\t5/24/07\tPolitician\tAl Gore', 1),
 ('2013\tcomedian\t6/18/13\tComedy\tJim Gaffigan', 1),
 ('2002\tJournalist\t8/15/02\tMedia\tRich Eisen', 1),
 ('2013\tpolice officer\t2/5/13\tGovernment\tRay Kelly', 1),
 ('2003\thistorian\t5/14/03\tAcademic\tDiane Ravitch', 1),
 ("2005\tBroadcaster\t8/4/05\tMedia\tMiles O'Brien", 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t9/17/13\tActing\tJake Gyllenhaal', 1),
 ('2010\tcomedian\t2/23/10\tComedy\tJeff Garlin', 1),
 ('2001\tus senator\t7/26/01\tPolitician\tJohn McCain', 1),
 ('2014\ttelevision host\t3/5/14\tMedia\tRachel Maddow', 1),
 ('2008\tcommentator\t1/8/08\tMedia\tDavid Frum', 1),
 ('2009\tcommentator\t7/16/09\tMedia\tRobert Glennon', 1),
 ('2008\tactress\t4/17/08\tActing\tUma Thurman', 1),
 ('2008\tJournalist\t2/6/08\tMedia\tTom Brokaw', 1),
 ('2014\tactor\t5/7/14\tActing\tSeth Rogen', 1),
 ('2014\tFilm director\t7/22/14\tMedia\tRichard Linklater', 1),
 ('2013\tbiographer\t10/10/13\tMedia\tBrian Jay Jones', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t1/16/13\tActing\tJessica Chastain', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t6/24/08\tMedia\tJames Harding', 1),
 ('2012\tprofessor\t1/31/12\tAcademic\tJonathan Macey', 1),
 ('2015\tactress\t4/30/15\tActing\tKristen Wiig', 1),
 ('2000\tcomic\t6/26/00\tComedy\tCheri Oteri', 1),
 ('2014\tComposer\t8/6/14\tMusician\tWu-Tang Clan', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t12/4/00\tActing\tThomas Gibson', 1),
 ('2006\tcomedian\t5/10/06\tComedy\tBilly Connolly', 1),
 ('2012\tfilm director\t11/8/12\tMedia\tKatie Dellamaggiore and Pobo Efekoro',
 ('2009\ttelevision host\t5/21/09\tMedia\tLarry King', 1),
 ('2004\tpublic official\t3/31/04\tGovernment\tKaren Hughes', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t3/4/10\tActing\tScott Patterson', 1),
 ('2004\tHistorian\t11/17/04\tAcademic\tThomas Frank', 1),
 ('2008\tformer us secretary of state\t3/3/08\tPolitician\tHillary Clinton',
 ('2013\twhite house sommunications director\t2/11/13\tPolitical Aide\tGeorge Stephanopoulos',
 ('2000\tactress\t2/23/00\tActing\tCharlize Theron', 1),
 ('2009\tjournalist\t6/1/09\tMedia\tBob Woodruff', 1),
 ('2008\tFormer U.S. Representative\t9/3/08\tPolitician\tNewt Gingrich', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t10/23/00\tActing\tKevin James', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t11/13/13\tActing\tKeegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele', 2),
 ('2003\twriter\t6/17/03\tMedia\tLewis Lapham', 1),
 ('2001\tjournalist\t6/11/01\tMedia\tJoe Queenan', 1),
 ('2007\tus senator\t8/16/07\tPolitician\tSen. John McCain', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t9/10/02\tActing\tZach Braff', 1),
 ('2004\tFormer Governor of New York\t6/3/04\tPolitician\tMario Cuomo', 1),
 ('2014\tactor\t9/30/14\tActing\tBen Affleck', 1),
 ('2004\tcomedian\t12/15/04\tComedy\tBilly Connolly', 1),
 ('2006\tEntrepreneur\t11/16/06\tBusiness\tMuhammad Yunus', 1),
 ('2004\tactress\t4/27/04\tActing\tRebecca Romijn', 1),
 ('2002\tformer american senator\t10/28/02\tPolitician\tJohn Edwards', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t5/4/00\tActing\tEric Close', 1),
 ('2006\tauthor\t6/5/06\tMedia\tCaroline Kennedy', 1),
 ('2008\tformer white house press secretary\t3/13/08\tPolitical Aide\tDana Perino',
 ('2004\tAuthor\t7/14/04\tMedia\tSarah Vowell', 1),
 ('2010\tsinger-songwriter\t9/30/10\tMusician\tJustin Timberlake', 1),
 ('2010\tjournalist\t3/11/10\tMedia\tEamon Javers', 1),
 ('2006\tdiplomat\t1/17/06\tGovernment\tL. Paul Bremer', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t7/16/13\tActing\tHelen Mirren', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t11/18/13\tActing\tElizabeth Olsen', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t1/25/01\tActing\tTopher Grace', 1),
 ('2007\tProfessor\t5/10/07\tAcademic\tReza Aslan', 1),
 ('2014\tactress\t11/19/14\tActing\tJessica Chastain', 1),
 ('2004\tFilmmaker\t6/24/04\tMedia\tMichael Moore', 1),
 ('2013\tJournalist\t11/20/13\tMedia\tTom Brokaw', 1),
 ('2008\tJournalist\t8/11/08\tMedia\tRon Suskind', 1),
 ('2003\tlawyer\t4/9/03\tMisc\tAmbassador David Scheffer', 1),
 ('2000\tFormer U.S. Representative\t8/2/00\tPolitician\tMary Bono', 1),
 ('2015\tactress\t1/21/15\tActing\tAnne Hathaway', 1),
 ('2011\tactor\t8/2/11\tActing\tJason Bateman', 1),
 ('2013\tunited nations official\t9/3/13\tGovernment\tAndrew Harper', 1),
 ('2000\tFilm actress\t5/1/00\tActing\tS. Epatha Merkerson', 1),
 ('2012\ttelevision personality\t1/30/12\tMedia\tLou Dobbs', 1),
 ('2000\tradio personality\t12/11/00\tMedia\tIra Glass', 1),
 ('2012\tmayor of london\t6/11/12\tPolitician\tBoris Johnson', 1),
 ('2010\ttelevision host\t4/1/10\tMedia\tLiz Claman', 1),
 ('2004\twriter\t2/24/04\tMedia\tJohn Podhoretz', 1),
 ('2008\tbiographer\t11/3/08\tMedia\tDoris Kearns Goodwin', 1),
 ('2003\tactress\t12/17/03\tActing\tJulia Stiles', 1),
 ('2006\tJournalist\t8/14/06\tMedia\tThomas E. Ricks', 1),
 ('2010\tking\t9/23/10\tPolitician\tH.M. Abdullah II', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t10/24/13\tActing\tChiwetel Ejiofor', 1),
 ('2014\tfilm director\t11/17/14\tMedia\tLaura Poitras', 1),
 ('2004\tformer us senator\t11/15/04\tPolitician\tKay Bailey Hutchison', 1),
 ('2006\tlawyer\t7/17/06\tMisc\tGordon G. Chang', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t4/30/13\tActing\tRobert Downey Jr.', 1),
 ('2004\tphysician\t6/15/04\tScience\tHassan Ibrahim', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t1/10/13\tActing\tJosh Brolin', 1),
 ('2005\tamerican politician\t4/12/05\tPolitician\tBob Dole', 1),
 ('2009\ttelevision host\t1/5/09\tMedia\tDavid Gregory', 1),
 ('2006\tProfessor\t3/23/06\tAcademic\tMichael Mandelbaum', 1),
 ('2000\tamerican politician\t8/18/00\tPolitician\tBob Dole', 1),
 ('2009\tFormer U.S. Congressman\t9/29/09\tPolitician\tRon Paul', 1),
 ('2007\tWriter\t8/9/07\tMedia\tTal Ben-Shahar', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t11/18/04\tActing\tWoody Harrelson', 1),
 ('2012\tauthor\t10/16/12\tMedia\tEugene Jarecki', 1),
 ('2005\tpsychic\t9/14/05\tMisc\t"Ellie Crystal"', 1),
 ('2012\tsatirist\t6/21/12\tMedia\tBassem Youssef', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t10/17/01\tActing\tSnoop Dogg', 1),
 ('2000\tNA\t11/20/00\tNA\t"Tales of Survival with Vance DeGeneres"', 1),
 ('2013\tjournalist\t5/6/13\tMedia\tChristiane Amanpour', 1),
 ('2011\tjournalist\t2/16/11\tMedia\tBrian Williams', 1),
 ('2007\tactor\t8/7/07\tActing\tAndy Samberg', 1),
 ('2007\tacademic\t2/12/07\tAcademic\tJeffrey Rosen', 1),
 ('2005\tComedian\t5/10/05\tComedy\tWanda Sykes', 1),
 ('2009\tlawyer\t7/29/09\tMisc\tJohn R. Bolton', 1),
 ('2012\tformer us secretary of defense\t6/12/12\tPolitician\tColin Powell',
 ('2000\tsinger\t10/25/00\tMusician\tPosh Spice & Baby Spice', 1),
 ('2005\tFilm actress\t2/22/05\tActing\tRachel Weisz', 1),
 ('2000\tcomedian\t3/2/00\tComedy\tEllen DeGeneres', 1),
 ('2005\tsinger-songwriter\t10/17/05\tMusician\tDolly Parton', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t7/29/10\tActing\tLiev Schreiber', 1),
 ('2011\tjournalist\t9/13/11\tMedia\tJim Lehrer', 1),
 ('2008\tAuthor\t4/2/08\tMedia\tWilliam Safire', 1),
 ('2015\tJournalist\t1/5/15\tMedia\tSteven Brill', 1),
 ('2008\teconomist\t3/18/08\tAcademic\tJeffrey Sachs', 1),
 ('2013\ttelevision host\t2/28/13\tMedia\tRachel Maddow', 1),
 ('2011\tsinger-songwriter\t11/30/11\tMusician\tBono', 1),
 ('2005\tauthor\t12/7/05\tMedia\tDavid McCullough', 1),
 ('2009\tauthor\t3/10/09\tMedia\tCraig Mullaney', 1),
 ('2011\tdirector\t6/14/11\tMedia\tJ.J. Abrams', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t1/17/02\tActing\tJeremy Northam', 1),
 ('2001\tactress\t10/16/01\tActing\tLorraine Bracco', 1),
 ('2001\tactress\t12/5/01\tActing\tMarg Helgenberger', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t1/7/13\tActing\tAnne Hathaway', 1),
 ('2005\tJournalist\t1/25/05\tMedia\tSeymour Hersh', 1),
 ('2011\teconomist\t8/3/11\tAcademic\tAustan Goolsbee', 1),
 ('2011\tBroadcaster\t1/17/11\tMedia\tPeter Bergen', 1),
 ('2013\tJournalist\t6/20/13\tMedia\tTom Brokaw', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t9/15/03\tActing\t"Cuba Gooding\t Jr."', 1),
 ('2008\twriter\t1/22/08\tMedia\tJim Wallis', 1),
 ('2012\tauthor\t6/4/12\tMedia\tThomas Mann & Norman Ornstein', 2),
 ('2009\tEPA administrator\t5/14/09\tGovernment\tLisa P. Jackson', 1),
 ("2008\tPolitical satirist\t1/23/08\tMedia\tP. J. O'Rourke", 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t4/5/01\tActing\tSteven Weber', 1),
 ('2013\tJournalist\t7/29/13\tMedia\tMark Leibovich', 1),
 ('2000\tprofessional wrestler\t4/19/00\tAthletics\tDiamond Dallas Page', 1),
 ('2005\thistorian\t9/14/05\tAcademic\t"Dr. Edward J. Larson"', 1),
 ('2003\tcomedian\t3/31/03\tComedy\tChris Rock', 1),
 ('2014\tLawyer\t6/9/14\tMisc\tPhilip K. Howard', 1),
 ('2007\tauthor\t2/14/07\tMedia\tIshmael Beah', 1),
 ('2007\tauthor\t2/13/07\tMedia\tChristopher Horner', 1),
 ('2001\tSinger\t10/22/01\tMusician\tLance Bass', 1),
 ('2013\thistorian\t10/30/13\tAcademic\tDiane Ravitch', 1),
 ('2010\tfilm director\t1/5/10\tMedia\tGeorge Lucas', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t9/7/05\tActing\tSamuel L. Jackson', 1),
 ('2004\tJournalist\t3/11/04\tMedia\tPaula Zahn', 1),
 ('2004\tcomedian\t1/20/04\tComedy\tJeff Garlin', 1),
 ('2010\tactress\t12/8/10\tActing\tMichelle Williams', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t7/30/02\tActing\tRobert Wagner', 1),
 ('2015\tactivist\t3/23/15\tAdvocacy\tAyaan Hirsi Ali', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t1/14/08\tMedia\tFareed Zakaria', 1),
 ('2001\ttelevision producer\t4/23/01\tMedia\tDon Hewitt', 1),
 ('2000\tformer us senator\t11/6/00\tPolitician\tArlen Specter', 1),
 ('2009\tactor\t3/5/09\tActing\tBilly Crudup', 1),
 ('2008\tNA\t11/4/08\tNA\tIndecision 2008 Live Election Night Special', 1),
 ('2012\tpolitical advocate\t3/12/12\tAdvocacy\tGrover Norquist', 1),
 ('2000\treality show contestant\t6/1/00\tMedia\tSonja Christopher', 1),
 ('2000\tGuitarist\t6/28/00\tMusician\tRichie Sambora', 1),
 ('2004\tjournalist\t11/30/04\tMedia\tBrian Williams', 1),
 ('2000\tactress\t7/18/00\tActing\tHalle Berry', 1),
 ('2011\tactress\t6/27/11\tActing\tJennifer Aniston', 1),
 ('2001\tsinger\t1/10/01\tMusician\tVitamin C', 1),
 ('2011\tcelbrity chef\t4/7/11\tMisc\tJamie Oliver', 1),
 ('2002\tactress\t7/16/02\tActing\tMichelle Williams', 1),
 ('2011\tactor\t10/6/11\tActing\tJason Sudeikis', 1),
 ('2008\tauthor\t2/11/08\tMedia\tPhilip Shenon', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t8/4/03\tActing\tDenis Leary', 1),
 ('2006\tscholar\t3/14/06\tAcademic\tBart Ehrman', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t4/6/05\tActing\tMatthew McConaughey', 1),
 ('2015\tformer mayor of san antonio\t1/26/15\tPolitician\tJulian Castro', 1),
 ('2005\tus senator\t7/25/05\tPolitician\tSen. Rick Santorum', 1),
 ('2002\tstand-up comedian\t12/4/02\tComedy\tColin Quinn', 1),
 ('2005\tjournalist\t9/8/05\tMedia\tBrian Williams', 1),
 ('2010\tphysician\t6/23/10\tScience\tDr. Connie Mariano', 1),
 ('2002\tjournalist\t6/19/02\tMedia\tCynthia McFadden', 1),
 ('2004\tauthor\t12/1/04\tMedia\tChristopher Hitchens', 1),
 ('2006\tjournalist\t12/12/06\tMedia\tFareed Zakaria', 1),
 ('2007\tminister of defense\t4/18/07\tPolitician\tAli Allawi', 1),
 ('2009\tjournalist\t1/27/09\tMedia\tGwen Ifill', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t1/29/13\tActing\tMelissa McCarthy', 1),
 ('2012\tactor\t6/6/12\tActing\tMichael Fassbender', 1),
 ('2008\teditor\t1/21/08\tMedia\tJon Meacham', 1),
 ('2004\tus representative\t8/2/04\tPolitician\tRep. Henry Bonilla', 1),
 ('2001\tGuitarist\t5/9/01\tMusician\tRichie Sambora', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t9/22/10\tActing\tEdward Norton', 1),
 ('2005\tJournalist\t7/14/05\tMedia\tMichael Isikoff', 1),
 ('2014\tprofessor\t4/30/14\tAcademic\tMartin Gilens & Benjamin Page', 2),
 ('2005\tSinger\t3/23/05\tMusician\tOzzy Osbourne', 1),
 ('2014\tBroadcaster\t4/23/14\tMedia\tRobin Roberts', 1),
 ('2002\tHost\t10/10/02\tMedia\tOliver North', 1),
 ('2010\tFormer United States Senator\t10/26/10\tPolitician\tTed Kaufman', 1),
 ('2006\tjournalist\t5/8/06\tMedia\tDavid Remnick', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t7/24/13\tActing\tShailene Woodley', 1),
 ('2003\tjournalist\t1/29/03\tMedia\tJeff Greenfield', 1),
 ('2000\tactress\t11/28/00\tActing\tLaura San Giacomo', 1),
 ('2004\ttelevision host\t4/21/04\tMedia\tJohn Gibson', 1),
 ('2004\tamerican politician\t2/4/04\tPolitician\tBob Dole', 1),
 ('2010\tEPA administrator\t4/26/10\tGovernment\tLisa P. Jackson', 1),
 ('2012\tchess player\t11/8/12\tMisc\tKatie Dellamaggiore and Pobo Efekoro',
 ('2014\tStand-up comedian\t10/14/14\tComedy\tZach Galifianakis', 1),
 ('2004\tSinger-songwriter\t2/25/04\tMusician\tNorah Jones', 1),
 ('2013\tProfessor\t12/11/13\tAcademic\tReza Aslan', 1),
 ('2015\tactor\t7/28/15\tActing\tTom Cruise', 1),
 ('2000\tfootball player\t1/10/00\tAthletics\tJoe Montana', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t12/7/00\tActing\tMarlon Wayans', 1),
 ('2012\tactress\t6/14/12\tActing\tCatherine Zeta-Jones', 1),
 ('2001\ttelevision actress\t12/13/01\tActing\tTracey Ullman', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t5/8/03\tActing\tPaul Rudd', 1),
 ('2003\tauthor\t2/5/03\tMedia\tArianna Huffington', 1),
 ('2007\tAmerican football running back\t10/9/07\tAthletics\tTiki Barber', 1),
 ('2002\tminister\t1/21/02\tClergy\tAl Sharpton', 1),
 ('2009\tactor\t7/22/09\tActing\tKevin Nealon', 1),
 ('2015\tComedian\t6/25/15\tComedy\tRichard Lewis', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t6/18/02\tActing\tChristian Slater', 1),
 ('2014\tactor\t9/16/14\tActing\tBill Hader', 1),
 ('2009\tFormer Governor of Pennsylvania\t9/23/09\tPolitician\tTom Ridge', 1),
 ('2014\tcomedian\t1/28/14\tComedy\tLouis C.K.', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t5/3/01\tActing\tRobert Patrick', 1),
 ('2003\tus senator\t9/15/03\tPolitician\t"Sen. John Edwards"', 1),
 ('2012\tus president\t9/20/12\tPolitician\tBill Clinton', 1),
 ('2012\tBroadcaster\t5/3/12\tMedia\tPeter Bergen', 1),
 ('2005\tjournalist\t2/2/05\tMedia\tAnderson Cooper', 1),
 ('2012\tComedian\t4/11/12\tComedy\tRicky Gervais', 1),
 ('2015\tUnited States Senate member\t5/26/15\tPolitician\tRand Paul', 1),
 ('2006\treporter\t5/9/06\tMedia\tEric Shawn', 1),
 ('2002\tjournalist\t1/30/02\tMedia\tJohn King', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t2/20/01\tActing\tGreg Germann', 1),
 ('2001\tAuthor\t12/18/01\tMedia\tPeggy Noonan', 1),
 ('2003\tus senator\t12/10/03\tPolitician\tSen. Zell Miller', 1),
 ('2004\tauthor\t6/29/04\tMedia\tEdward Conlon', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t5/20/13\tActing\tEllen Page', 1),
 ('2010\tuniversity professor\t8/5/10\tAcademic\tAkbar Ahmed', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t11/1/01\tActing\tKevin Spacey', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t7/25/06\tActing\tEdward Burns', 1),
 ('2010\tformer us senator\t6/17/10\tPolitician\tFred Thompson', 1),
 ('2005\tformer white house press secretary\t3/3/05\tPolitical Aide\tAri Fleischer',
 ('2000\tformer us senator\t9/14/00\tPolitician\tJoe Lieberman', 1),
 ('2011\tactor\t7/25/11\tActing\tNeil Patrick Harris', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t11/2/00\tActing\tMichael Richards', 1),
 ('2008\tformer senator\t8/28/08\tPolitician\tEvan Bayh', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t9/19/02\tActing\tDjimon Hounsou', 1),
 ('2010\tauthor\t8/18/10\tMedia\tEdward P. Kohn', 1),
 ('2005\tcolumnist\t4/11/05\tMedia\tByron York', 1),
 ('2006\tunited states senator\t9/27/06\tPolitician\tAl Franken', 1),
 ('2009\tFinancier\t6/9/09\tBusiness\tPeter Schiff', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t11/13/00\tActing\tAdam Sandler', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t1/30/03\tActing\tLaurence Fishburne', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t5/1/01\tActing\tDominic Chianese', 1),
 ('2010\tformer governor of washington\t3/18/10\tPolitician\tGary Locke', 1),
 ('2007\tcomedian\t11/1/07\tComedy\tJerry Seinfeld', 1),
 ('2002\tcommentator\t2/5/02\tMedia\tGreta Van Susteren', 1),
 ('2010\teditor\t11/16/10\tMedia\tBethany McLean and Joe Nocera', 1),
 ('2007\tactor\t6/18/07\tActing\tSteve Carell', 1),
 ('2008\ttelevision host\t11/5/08\tMedia\tChris Wallace', 1),
 ('2002\tFilmmaker\t2/21/02\tMedia\tMichael Moore', 1),
 ('2010\tBaseball player\t2/10/10\tAthletics\tWillie Mays', 1),
 ('2007\tformer governor of arkansas\t1/10/07\tPolitician\tFmr. Gov. Mike Huckabee',
 ('2000\tactress\t9/19/00\tActing\tJamie Lee Curtis', 1),
 ('2005\tjournalist\t8/10/05\tMedia\tJohn Hockenberry', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t4/7/10\tActing\tSteve Carell', 1),
 ('2007\tactor\t3/22/07\tActing\tDon Cheadle', 1),
 ('2001\twriter\t8/13/01\tMedia\tDavid Rakoff', 1),
 ('2007\tminister\t3/1/07\tClergy\tRev. Al Sharpton', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t7/17/00\tActing\tShawn Wayans & Marlon Wayans', 2),
 ('2000\tsinger-songwriter\t3/27/00\tMusician\tJohn Lydon', 1),
 ('2009\tjournalist\t12/9/09\tMedia\tAndrew Ross Sorkin', 1),
 ('2009\tjournalist\t7/20/09\tMedia\tBrian Williams', 1),
 ('2005\tJournalist\t2/23/05\tMedia\tPeter Jennings', 1),
 ('2001\tRock duo\t9/27/01\tMusician\tTenacious D', 1),
 ('2002\tsinger-songwriter\t4/30/02\tMusician\tAlanis Morissette', 1),
 ('2015\tjournalist\t4/14/15\tMedia\tFareed Zakaria', 1),
 ('2012\tcanon\t12/10/12\tClergy\tBishop Gene Robinson', 1),
 ('2014\tRNC chairman\t11/4/14\tPolitician\tReince Priebus', 1),
 ('2010\tpresident\t9/16/10\tPolitician\tPresident Bill Clinton', 1),
 ('2013\tjournalist\t6/13/13\tMedia\tFareed Zakaria', 1),
 ('2009\tjournalist\t12/1/09\tMedia\tThomas Friedman', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t6/17/02\tActing\tFreddie Prinze Jr.', 1),
 ('2011\tpolitical figure\t2/17/11\tPolitician\tEd Gillespie', 1),
 ('2004\tSinger-songwriter\t4/19/04\tMusician\tMelissa Etheridge', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t3/24/04\tActing\tJamie Foxx', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t8/6/02\tActing\tAntonio Banderas', 1),
 ('2014\tColumnist\t10/13/14\tMedia\tMatt Bai', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t1/26/05\tActing\tJohn Leguizamo', 1),
 ("2000\tactor\t12/6/00\tActing\tChris O'Donnell", 1),
 ('2006\tbasketball player\t10/30/06\tAthletics\tLeBron James', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t8/18/04\tActing\tBurt Reynolds', 1),
 ('2004\tWriter\t12/8/04\tMedia\tSeth Mnookin', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t11/29/06\tActing\tGeorge Clooney', 1),
 ('2008\tauthor\t1/9/08\tMedia\tJohn Zogby', 1),
 ('2012\tConsultant\t8/6/12\tPolitical Aide\tTim Gunn', 1),
 ('2004\tactress\t8/5/04\tActing\tNatalie Portman', 1),
 ('2001\tFilm actress\t5/14/01\tActing\tMaura Tierney', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t4/8/04\tActing\tJason Bateman', 1),
 ('2011\tpeace activist\t11/14/11\tAdvocacy\tLeymah Gbowee', 1),
 ('2000\tformer governor of nebraska\t8/15/00\tPolitician\tBob Kerrey', 1),
 ('2009\tAuthor\t4/2/09\tMedia\tTom Zoellner', 1),
 ('2005\tCorrespondent\t3/15/05\tMedia\tTom Fenton', 1),
 ('2000\tFilmmaker\t6/7/00\tMedia\tMichael Moore', 1),
 ('2009\tactivist\t10/28/09\tAdvocacy\tDr. Mustafa Barghouti and Anna Baltzer',
 ('2003\tactor\t12/1/03\tActing\tAdam Goldberg', 1),
 ('2005\tjournalist\t7/21/05\tMedia\tFareed Zakaria', 1),
 ('2001\tComedian\t2/15/01\tComedy\tWanda Sykes', 1),
 ('2006\teditor\t8/9/06\tMedia\tCraig Glenday', 1),
 ('2010\tformer senior advisor to the presidnet\t6/28/10\tPolitical Aide\tDavid Axelrod',
 ('2001\tactor\t3/22/01\tActing\tDenis Leary', 1),
 ('2012\tactor\t1/17/12\tActing\tLiam Neeson', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t8/15/06\tActing\tSamuel L. Jackson', 1),
 ('2003\thistorian\t3/17/03\tAcademic\tEric Alterman', 1),
 ('2015\tunited states senator\t6/22/15\tPolitician\tAl Franken', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t6/11/02\tActing\tVal Kilmer', 1),
 ('2011\tWriter\t10/25/11\tMedia\tWalter Isaacson', 1),
 ('2013\tcomedian\t11/19/13\tComedy\tBill Cosby', 1),
 ('2013\tFormer United States Senator\t5/15/13\tPolitician\tOlympia Snowe', 1),
 ('2014\twriter\t7/14/14\tMedia\tDahlia Lithwick', 1),
 ('2005\tactress\t12/15/05\tActing\tSarah Jessica Parker', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t3/20/03\tActing\tEddie Griffin', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t5/16/01\tActing\tHeath Ledger', 1),
 ('2015\tProfessor\t5/27/15\tAcademic\tRosabeth Moss Kanter', 1),
 ('2009\tactor\t5/12/09\tActing\tTom Hanks', 1),
 ('2009\tactor\t1/13/09\tActing\tDaniel Craig', 1),
 ('2014\tjournalist\t7/21/14\tMedia\tSue Turton', 1),
 ('2014\tstand-up comedian\t5/1/14\tComedy\tDavid Spade', 1),
 ('2008\tus senator\t8/6/08\tPolitician\tChuck Schumer', 1),
 ('2008\tactor\t4/24/08\tActing\tColin Firth', 1),
 ('2004\tbusiness magnate\t2/3/04\tBusiness\tDonald Trump', 1),
 ('2015\tformer white house press secretary\t4/22/15\tPolitical Aide\tDana Perino',
 ('2014\tactress\t1/9/14\tActing\tScarlett Johansson', 1),
 ('2012\tReporter\t4/9/12\tMedia\tTim Weiner', 1),
 ('2008\tactor\t11/6/08\tActing\tPaul Rudd', 1),
 ("2009\tFormer Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States\t3/3/09\tGovernment\tSandra Day O'Connor",
 ('2008\tFormer U.S. senator\t3/6/08\tPolitician\tTom Daschle', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t9/27/05\tActing\tViggo Mortensen', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t5/16/06\tActing\tDenis Leary', 1),
 ('2014\tAuthor\t4/7/14\tMedia\tMatt Taibbi', 1),
 ('2010\tauthor\t4/27/10\tMedia\tRichard Whittle', 1),
 ('2010\twriter\t12/9/10\tMedia\tEdmund Morris', 1),
 ('2011\tAuthor\t3/21/11\tMedia\tSarah Vowell', 1),
 ('2010\tFormer Governor of Arkansas\t12/16/10\tPolitician\tMike Huckabee', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t10/26/00\tActing\tSteven Weber', 1),
 ('2015\tnyc mayor\t6/2/15\tPolitician\tBill de Blasio', 1),
 ('2007\tentrepreneur\t2/26/07\tBusiness\tCraig Newmark', 1),
 ('2015\tactor\t2/5/15\tActing\tBob Odenkirk', 1),
 ('2015\tPhotojournalist\t2/24/15\tMedia\tLynsey Addario', 1),
 ('2009\tjournalist\t12/7/09\tMedia\tDan Rather', 1),
 ('2003\tactress\t2/11/03\tActing\tBebe Neuwirth', 1),
 ('2010\tactress\t8/16/10\tActing\tEmma Thompson', 1),
 ('2006\tColumnist\t5/17/06\tMedia\tRamesh Ponnuru', 1),
 ('2013\tAuthor\t4/1/13\tMedia\tMary Roach', 1),
 ('2011\tfilm actor\t3/9/11\tActing\tAaron Eckhart', 1),
 ('2011\tFormer Governor of Arkansas\t4/6/11\tPolitician\tMike Huckabee', 1),
 ('2009\tProfessor\t4/20/09\tAcademic\tReza Aslan', 1),
 ('2002\tactivist\t2/13/02\tAdvocacy\tRalph Nader', 1),
 ('2011\tFormer Governor of Indiana\t9/21/11\tPolitician\tMitch Daniels', 1),
 ('2005\tformer president\t12/5/05\tPolitician\tJimmy Carter', 1),
 ('2012\tactor\t4/25/12\tActing\tJason Segel', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t3/1/00\tActing\tTobey Maguire', 1),
 ('2012\tactor\t12/3/12\tActing\tDenis Leary', 1),
 ('2014\tformer us secretary of state\t7/15/14\tPolitician\tHillary Clinton',
 ('2003\ttelevision presenter\t5/7/03\tMedia\tGraham Norton', 1),
 ('2015\tstand-up comedian\t8/3/15\tComedy\tAmy Schumer', 1),
 ('2005\tlawyer\t11/3/05\tMisc\tRobert Ray', 1),
 ('2010\tauthor\t6/8/10\tMedia\tChristopher Hitchens', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t1/9/02\tActing\tLuke Wilson', 1),
 ('2006\ttelevision personality\t10/11/06\tMedia\tLou Dobbs', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t12/6/01\tActing\tTed Danson', 1),
 ('2009\tTennis player\t11/10/09\tAthletics\tSerena Williams', 1),
 ('2005\twriter\t1/18/05\tMedia\tJim Wallis', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t11/28/05\tActing\tAdrien Brody', 1),
 ('2011\tactor\t11/7/11\tActing\tClint Eastwood', 1),
 ('2007\tjournalist\t7/30/07\tMedia\tAlastair Campbell', 1),
 ('2004\tpolitical figure\t8/25/04\tPolitician\tEd Gillespie', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t10/2/13\tActing\tSandra Bullock', 1),
 ('2009\tpublic speaker\t10/28/09\tMisc\tDr. Mustafa Barghouti and Anna Baltzer',
 ('2004\tactor\t11/29/04\tActing\tJude Law', 1),
 ('2011\tjournalist\t1/20/11\tMedia\tKambiz Hosseini and Saman Arbabi', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t6/26/02\tActing\tPaul Sorvino', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t7/11/01\tActing\tJames Woods', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t4/6/04\tActing\tMatthew Perry and Bruce Willis', 2),
 ('2010\tjournalist\t9/29/10\tMedia\tLinda Polman', 1),
 ('2011\tDirector\t11/17/11\tMedia\tMartin Scorsese', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t4/29/13\tActing\tJon Hamm', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t1/12/05\tActing\tDennis Quaid', 1),
 ('2013\tBasketball Coach\t5/21/13\tAthletics\tPhil Jackson', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t4/7/04\tActing\tTim Robbins', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t7/22/03\tActing\tScott Glenn', 1),
 ('2010\tauthor\t4/6/10\tMedia\tCaptain Richard Phillips', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t11/10/05\tActing\tChris Elliott', 1),
 ('2013\tUnited States Senate member\t8/12/13\tPolitician\tRand Paul', 1),
 ('2002\tnews anchor\t10/15/02\tmedia\tJudy Woodruff', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t12/19/02\tActing\tJohn Cusack', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t6/14/04\tActing\tStanley Tucci', 1),
 ('2003\tactress\t7/14/03\tActing\tAngelina Jolie', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t6/14/05\tActing\tWill Ferrell', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t10/1/01\tActing\tKelsey Grammer', 1),
 ('2015\tactress\t2/26/15\tActing\tOlivia Wilde', 1),
 ('2006\tisraeli official\t4/24/06\tGovernment\tEfraim Halevy', 1),
 ('2010\tactress\t4/22/10\tActing\tZoe Saldana', 1),
 ('2015\tcomedian\t8/5/15\tComedy\tLouis C.K.', 1),
 ('2012\tprofessor\t3/1/12\tAcademic\tM. Cathleen Kaveny', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t11/20/03\tActing\tBilly Bob Thornton', 1),
 ('2015\tactor\t7/20/15\tActing\tPaul Rudd', 1),
 ('2014\tlegal analyst\t3/11/14\tMisc\tAndrew Napolitano', 1),
 ('2005\tProfessor\t4/21/05\tAcademic\tReza Aslan', 1),
 ('2015\tactor\t4/15/15\tActing\tBilly Crystal', 1),
 ('2008\tactor\t7/22/08\tActing\tWill Ferrell and John C. Reilly', 2),
 ('2009\tactor\t2/3/09\tActing\tDev Patel', 1),
 ('2011\tradio personality\t2/28/11\tMedia\tHoward Stern', 1),
 ('2006\tformer governor of new jersey\t9/28/06\tPolitician\tJim McGreevey',
 ('2006\tSinger\t3/29/06\tMusician\tQueen Latifah', 1),
 ('2006\tjournalist\t3/28/06\tMedia\tFareed Zakaria', 1),
 ('2013\tJournalist\t9/9/13\tMedia\tSheri Fink', 1),
 ('2003\tjournalist\t5/29/03\tMedia\tDavid Halberstam', 1),
 ('2013\tformer hhs secretary\t10/7/13\tPolitician\tKathleen Sebelius', 1),
 ('2011\tformer secretary of defense\t2/23/11\tPolitician\tDonald Rumsfeld',
 ('2012\tUnited States Senator\t8/28/12\tPolitician\tMarco Rubio', 1),
 ('2006\tJournalist\t7/26/06\tMedia\tSharon Weinberger', 1),
 ('2004\t0\t8/30/04\tNA\t(None)', 1),
 ('2006\tFormer member of the United States Senate\t8/22/06\tPolitician\tWilliam Cohen',
 ('2006\tpolitical expert\t7/27/06\tConsultant\tAlon Ben-Meir', 1),
 ('2010\tChef\t5/6/10\tMisc\tMario Batali', 1),
 ('2003\tCommentator\t5/27/03\tMedia\tWilliam Kristol', 1),
 ('2012\tMinority Leader of the United States House of Representatives\t10/25/12\tPolitician\tNancy Pelosi',
 ('2006\tactor\t4/19/06\tActing\tDennis Quaid', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t9/29/03\tActing\tJack Black', 1),
 ('2006\tHistorian\t2/1/06\tAcademic\tMichael Beschloss', 1),
 ('2013\tMusician\t1/14/13\tMusician\tRoger Waters', 1),
 ('2009\tScreenwriter\t7/2/09\tMedia\tRobert Kenner', 1),
 ('2003\tJournalist\t5/15/03\tMedia\tMichael Kinsley', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t6/2/10\tActing\tMorgan Freeman', 1),
 ('2013\tafghan politician\t2/13/13\tPolitician\tFawzia Koofi', 1),
 ('2014\tcomedian\t6/23/14\tComedy\tBill Maher', 1),
 ('2003\tauthor\t7/23/03\tMedia\tDick Morris', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t6/13/00\tActing\tMark Curry', 1),
 ('2013\tNA\t6/6/13\tNA\tNo Guest', 1),
 ('2013\tus representative\t10/29/13\tPolitician\tDebbie Wasserman Schultz',
 ('2006\tjournalist\t6/20/06\tMedia\tJuliet Eilperin', 1),
 ('2007\tactor\t4/26/07\tActing\tRichard Gere', 1),
 ('2004\tJournalist\t3/2/04\tMedia\tMark Ebner', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t8/8/02\tActing\tPaul Rudd', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t11/13/02\tActing\tKiefer Sutherland', 1),
 ('2007\tactor\t7/19/07\tActing\tAdam Sandler', 1),
 ('2008\tus president\t9/23/08\tPolitician\tBill Clinton', 1),
 ('2012\tComedian\t2/14/12\tComedy\tRicky Gervais', 1),
 ('2011\ttelevision host\t5/3/11\tMedia\tRachel Maddow', 1),
 ('2014\tprofessor\t5/12/14\tAcademic\tMartin Blaser', 1),
 ("2009\trock band\t11/19/09\tMusician\tJack's Mannequin", 1),
 ('2007\tTrumpeter\t3/7/07\tMusician\tWynton Marsalis', 1),
 ('2006\tformer vice president\t6/28/06\tPolitician\tAl Gore', 1),
 ('2011\tJournalist\t8/11/11\tMedia\tMichael Wallis', 1),
 ('2002\tformer us representativ\t11/19/02\tPolitician\tHarold Ford', 1),
 ('2009\tpresidnet\t1/26/09\tPolitician\tPresident Jimmy Carter', 1),
 ("2015\ttelevision host\t2/25/15\tMedia\tConan O'Brien", 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t7/5/10\tActing\tDenis Leary', 1),
 ('2015\tactress\t1/8/15\tActing\tAllison Williams', 1),
 ('2004\tFormer United States Secretary of Labor\t6/16/04\tPolitician\tRobert Reich',
 ('2002\tFormer Mayor of New York City\t6/12/02\tPolitician\tMichael Bloomberg',
 ('2011\thistorian\t3/3/11\tAcademic\tDiane Ravitch', 1),
 ('2011\tComedian\t4/14/11\tComedy\tRicky Gervais', 1),
 ('2007\tauthor\t8/21/07\tMedia\tAlan Weisman', 1),
 ('2013\tjournalist\t11/4/13\tMedia\tBob Woodruff', 1),
 ('2006\tformer governor of missouri\t10/18/06\tPolitician\tJohn Ashcroft', 1),
 ('2004\tactress\t12/9/04\tActing\tKate Bosworth', 1),
 ('2009\tprofessor\t2/11/09\tAcademic\tDaniel Sperling', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t6/6/02\tActing\tCharles Grodin', 1),
 ('2015\tAuthor\t7/2/15\tMedia\tSarah Vowell', 1),
 ('2009\tFormer United States Secretary of Transportation\t12/15/09\tPolitician\tRay LaHood',
 ('2001\tactor\t11/15/01\tActing\tJohn Stamos', 1),
 ('2001\tfilm actor\t5/30/01\tActing\tBradley Whitford', 1),
 ('2006\tus senator\t7/24/06\tPolitician\tJohn McCain', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t12/2/13\tActing\tIan McKellen', 1),
 ('2013\tComedian\t4/17/13\tComedy\tRicky Gervais', 1),
 ('2000\tactress\t6/6/00\tActing\tKelli Williams', 1),
 ('2007\tus senator\t3/26/07\tPolitician\tSen. John Kerry', 1),
 ('2007\tAuthor\t10/10/07\tMedia\tLynne Cheney', 1),
 ('2014\tformer cia director\t10/8/14\tGovernment\tLeon Panetta', 1),
 ('2014\tReporter\t2/6/14\tMedia\tRobyn Doolittle', 1),
 ('2014\ttelevision writer\t12/8/14\tMedia\tNorman Lear', 1),
 ('2004\tactivist\t9/28/04\tAdvocacy\tRalph Reed', 1),
 ('2007\tFormer White House Press Secretary\t10/15/07\tPolitical Aide\tTony Snow',
 ('2014\tCoach\t4/28/14\tAthletics\tMookie Wilson', 1),
 ('2015\tTalk show host\t4/8/15\tMedia\tTavis Smiley', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t11/13/03\tActing\tBrendan Fraser', 1),
 ('2002\tactress\t3/6/02\tActing\tMilla Jovovich', 1),
 ('2012\tus representative\t2/15/12\tPolitician\tLouise Slaughter', 1),
 ('2012\tjournalist\t11/1/12\tMedia\tBob Woodruff', 1),
 ('2012\thistorian\t1/4/12\tAcademic\tElizabeth Dowling Taylor', 1),
 ('2002\tsinger-songwriter\t4/24/02\tMusician\tElvis Costello', 1),
 ('2012\tBeach Volleyball Player\t8/14/12\tAthletics\tMisty May-Treanor', 1),
 ('2007\tcomedian\t1/8/07\tComedy\tLouis C.K.', 1),
 ('2014\tlegal analyst\t12/1/14\tMisc\tAndrew Napolitano', 1),
 ("2012\tBasketball player\t3/26/12\tAthletics\tShaquille O'Neal", 1),
 ('2007\tAstrophysicist\t1/30/07\tScience\tNeil deGrasse Tyson', 1),
 ('2008\tformer us senator\t6/9/08\tPolitician\tJim Webb', 1),
 ('2012\tCHARACTER\t5/7/12\tComedy\t"Admiral General Aladeen"""', 1),
 ('2015\tlegal scholar\t1/6/15\tMisc\tCass Sunstein', 1),
 ('1', 166),
 ('2014\tjournalist\t2/11/14\tMedia\tElizabeth Kolbert', 1),
 ('2004\tus president\t8/9/04\tPolitician\tBill Clinton', 1),
 ('2010\tComedian\t2/22/10\tComedy\tRicky Gervais', 1),
 ('2012\tUnited States Senator\t6/25/12\tPolitician\tMarco Rubio', 1),
 ('2014\tactor\t2/10/14\tActing\tTy Burrell', 1),
 ('2009\ttelevision host\t1/7/09\tMedia\tRachel Maddow', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t2/24/10\tActing\tTracy Morgan', 1),
 ('2015\tactor\t6/9/15\tActing\tNick Offerman', 1),
 ('2000\tboxer\t9/13/00\tAthletics\tLennox Lewis', 1),
 ('2002\tactress\t4/10/02\tActing\tPatricia Arquette', 1),
 ('2007\tcomedian\t5/16/07\tComedy\tDon Rickles', 1),
 ('2003\tNA\t9/11/03\tNA\tNo Guest', 1),
 ('2012\tauthor\t1/5/12\tMedia\tCraig Shirley', 1),
 ('2014\tSinger-songwriter\t12/16/14\tMusician\tPaul McCartney', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t12/17/01\tActing\tElijah Wood', 1),
 ('2005\tactress\t2/24/05\tActing\tChristina Ricci', 1),
 ('2014\tDocumentary Filmmaker\t9/3/14\tMedia\tRory Kennedy', 1),
 ('2008\tformer governor of vermont\t8/27/08\tPolitician\tHoward Dean', 1),
 ('2011\tHistorian\t5/18/11\tAcademic\tRichard Beeman', 1),
 ('2000\tstand-up comedian\t3/13/00\tComedy\tEddie Izzard', 1),
 ('2004\tminister\t11/2/04\tClergy\tWilliam Weld & Al Sharpton', 1),
 ('2004\tunited states senator\t3/25/04\tPolitician\tAl Franken', 1),
 ('2009\tscholar\t5/11/09\tAcademic\tFrank Partnoy', 1),
 ('2006\tstand-up comedian\t10/10/06\tComedy\tDavid Cross', 1),
 ('2011\tjournalist\t5/17/11\tMedia\tAnnie Jacobsen', 1),
 ('2001\ttelevision actor\t3/28/01\tActing\tMark Harmon', 1),
 ('2003\ttelevision producer\t1/21/03\tMedia\tSimon Cowell', 1),
 ('2009\tUnited States Secretary of the Navy\t10/6/09\tPolitician\tRay Mabus',
 ('2014\tWriter\t12/10/14\tMedia\tSuki Kim', 1),
 ('2007\tjournalist\t3/5/07\tMedia\tBob Woodruff', 1),
 ('2009\tformer hhs secretary\t7/15/09\tPolitician\tKathleen Sebelius', 1),
 ('2011\tactress\t5/12/11\tActing\tKristen Wiig', 1),
 ('2004\tus senator\t5/10/04\tPolitician\tSen. John McCain', 1),
 ('2002\tbasketball player\t12/17/02\tAthletics\tCharles Barkley', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t4/17/00\tActing\tStanley Tucci', 1),
 ('2011\tAstronaut\t11/15/11\tScience\tMark Kelly', 1),
 ('2014\tdocumentarian\t10/2/14\tMedia\tBen Steele', 1),
 ('2013\tcomedian\t7/22/13\tComedy\tLouis C.K.', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t3/12/02\tActing\tDenis Leary', 1),
 ('2010\trapper\t11/17/10\tMusician\tJay-Z', 1),
 ('2010\tactress\t7/6/10\tActing\tJulianne Moore', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t2/22/06\tActing\tMatthew Fox', 1),
 ('2004\ttelevision Personality\t2/23/04\tMedia\tTyra Banks', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t2/20/03\tActing\tLuke Wilson', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t9/24/03\tActing\tBen Stiller', 1),
 ('2014\tactress\t7/17/14\tActing\tEmma Stone', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t1/17/13\tActing\tLena Dunham', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t10/1/02\tActing\tPatrick Dempsey', 1),
 ('2014\tProfessional Wrestler\t12/11/14\tAthletics\tMick Foley', 1),
 ('2009\tBusinessman\t6/10/09\tBusiness\tSaad Mohseni', 1),
 ('2003\tJournalist\t2/18/03\tMedia\tSteve Kroft', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t8/1/02\tActing\tMike Myers', 1),
 ('2010\tNA\t10/28/10\tNA\tnone', 1),
 ('2005\tactress\t11/15/05\tActing\tRosario Dawson', 1),
 ('2007\tFreelance writer\t9/12/07\tMedia\tRobert Draper', 1),
 ('2009\tAuthor\t6/3/09\tMedia\tMichael Lewis', 1),
 ('2001\tmodel\t3/7/01\tMedia\tCarmen Electra', 1),
 ('2012\tactor\t2/1/12\tActing\tBrad Pitt', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t3/30/10\tActing\tRobin Williams', 1),
 ('2006\tjournalist\t3/27/06\tMedia\tMichael Gordon', 1),
 ('2008\tus senator\t5/7/08\tPolitician\tJohn McCain', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t5/6/04\tActing\tAndy Richter', 1),
 ('2004\tactress\t6/10/04\tActing\tJennifer Love Hewitt', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t1/11/00\tActing\tWill Ferrell', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t10/5/04\tActing\tBilly Bob Thornton', 1),
 ('2007\tactor\t10/17/07\tActing\tJake Gyllenhaal', 1),
 ('2005\tFormer United States Secretary of Labor\t4/18/05\tPolitician\tRobert Reich',
 ('2003\tRapper\t11/12/03\tMusician\tWyclef Jean', 1),
 ('2014\tComedian\t6/3/14\tComedy\tRicky Gervais', 1),
 ('2011\tStand-up comedian\t3/31/11\tComedy\tNorm Macdonald[10]', 1),
 ('2008\tactor\t8/5/08\tActing\tSeth Rogen', 1),
 ('2003\tstand-up comedian\t3/11/03\tComedy\tColin Quinn', 1),
 ('2006\tFormer President of Pakistan\t9/26/06\tPolitician\tPervez Musharraf',
 ('2011\tactor\t3/10/11\tActing\tTrey Parker & Matt Stone', 2),
 ('2011\ttelevision host\t6/8/11\tMedia\tLarry King', 1),
 ('2009\tmilitary\t3/16/09\tMilitary\tGen. Richard B. Myers', 1),
 ('2003\tFormer United States Secretary of State\t6/4/03\tPolitician\tMadeleine Albright',
 ('2005\tadviser\t11/17/05\tConsultant\tRichard Clarke', 1),
 ('2006\tdocumentarian\t9/21/06\tMedia\tCC Goldwater', 1),
 ('2011\tjournalist\t10/18/11\tMedia\tCalvin Trillin', 1),
 ('2015\tactress\t4/27/15\tActing\tElizabeth Olsen', 1),
 ('2005\tformer speaker of the the house\t11/30/05\tPolitician\tRep. Nancy Pelosi',
 ('2011\tJournalist\t9/20/11\tMedia\tRon Suskind', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t7/14/08\tMedia\tAndrew Ward', 1),
 ('2009\tWriter\t6/16/09\tMedia\tTom Folsom', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t6/7/10\tActing\tJohn C. Reilly', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t12/5/02\tActing\tRob Schneider', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t7/24/02\tActing\tSteven Weber', 1),
 ('2014\tactor\t6/12/14\tActing\tChristopher Walken', 1),
 ('2010\tJournalist\t5/11/10\tMedia\tSebastian Junger', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t8/13/03\tActing\tPaul Giamatti', 1),
 ('2008\tactress\t9/17/08\tActing\tCharlize Theron', 1),
 ('2006\tformer us senator\t12/5/06\tPolitician\tJohn Danforth', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t1/29/04\tActing\tKelsey Grammer', 1),
 ('2009\tactor\t8/5/09\tActing\tPaul Giamatti', 1),
 ('2013\tsinger\t2/25/13\tMusician\tDonnie Wahlberg', 1),
 ('2013\tjournalist\t5/16/13\tMedia\tGeorge Packer', 1),
 ('2014\tactor\t4/8/14\tActing\tDenis Leary', 1),
 ('2004\tjournalist\t6/30/04\tMedia\tCalvin Trillin', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t9/12/13\tActing\tBilly Crystal', 1),
 ('2010\tWriter\t3/3/10\tMedia\tLynne Olson', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t6/17/13\tActing\tLinda Cardellini', 1),
 ('2012\tus senator\t5/2/12\tPolitician\tSen. Tom Coburn', 1),
 ('2005\tradio personality\t12/13/05\tMedia\tHoward Stern', 1),
 ("2001\tPolitical satirist\t11/6/01\tMedia\tP. J. O'Rourke", 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t10/31/05\tActing\tD.L. Hughley', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t2/26/04\tActing\tSamuel L. Jackson', 1),
 ('2006\tformer governor of rhode island\t12/11/06\tPolitician\tLincoln Chafee',
 ('2012\tUnited States Senate member\t10/3/12\tPolitician\tRand Paul', 1),
 ('2011\tbiographer\t6/9/11\tMedia\tHoward Wasdin', 1),
 ('2009\tauthor\t10/15/09\tMedia\tJennifer Burns', 1),
 ('2007\tstand-up comedian\t6/7/07\tComedy\tEddie Izzard', 1),
 ('2012\tus senator\t12/12/12\tPolitician\tCory Booker', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t3/18/04\tActing\tEthan Hawke', 1),
 ('2007\tpresident\t9/25/07\tPolitician\tPresident Evo Morales', 1),
 ('2004\tanalyst\t11/11/04\tConsultant\tKenneth Pollack', 1),
 ('2000\tmodel\t1/26/00\tMedia\tJenny McCarthy', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t10/5/10\tActing\tBruce Willis', 1),
 ('2007\tFilmmaker\t6/27/07\tMedia\tMichael Moore', 1),
 ('2003\ttelevision host\t1/23/03\tMedia\tJimmy Kimmel', 1),
 ('2002\tactress\t9/30/02\tActing\tBonnie Hunt', 1),
 ('2007\teditor\t5/17/07\tMedia\tBrink Lindsey', 1),
 ('2000\tformer mayor of cincinatti\t1/20/00\tPolitician\tJerry Springer', 1),
 ('2008\tAmerican football quarterback\t1/28/08\tAthletics\tPhil Simms', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t9/2/08\tMedia\tBrian Williams', 1),
 ('2013\tauthor\t5/2/13\tMedia\tEric Greitens', 1),
 ('2000\tcommentator\t12/12/00\tMedia\tGreta Van Susteren', 1),
 ('2008\tlaw professor\t4/15/08\tAcademic\tJack Goldsmith', 1),
 ('2004\tsocial activist\t10/4/04\tAdvocacy\tBishop Desmond Tutu', 1),
 ('2015\tFilm director\t3/25/15\tMedia\tKirby Dick', 1),
 ('2003\tactress\t1/13/03\tActing\tKathy Bates', 1),
 ('2014\tactress\t12/17/14\tActing\tAnna Kendrick', 1),
 ('2002\teditor\t12/3/02\tMedia\tKatrina vanden Heuvel', 1),
 ('2006\tpolitical figure\t9/13/06\tPolitician\tEd Gillespie', 1),
 ('2004\tjournalist\t10/6/04\tMedia\tBob Schieffer', 1),
 ('2000\twriter\t4/11/00\tMedia\tBen Stein', 1),
 ('2012\tNA\t8/31/12\tNA\tnone', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t2/19/13\tActing\tAlison Brie', 1),
 ('2006\tinspector general of homeland security department\t5/3/06\tGovernment\tClark Kent Ervin',
 ("2004\ttelevision host\t10/7/04\tMedia\tBill O'Reilly", 1),
 ("2010\ttelevision host\t9/27/10\tMedia\tBill O'Reilly", 1),
 ('2015\tformer senior advisor to the presidnet\t2/10/15\tPolitical Aide\tDavid Axelrod',
 ('2001\tRock band\t9/10/01\tMusician\tThey Might Be Giants', 1),
 ('2002\tjournalist\t3/13/02\tMedia\tJoe Klein', 1),
 ('2003\tcomedian\t1/15/03\tComedy\tDave Chappelle', 1),
 ('2008\teditor\t10/1/08\tMedia\tGideon Rose', 1),
 ('2005\tformer governor of new jersey\t1/27/05\tPolitician\tChristine Todd Whitman',
 ('2002\tactress\t7/18/02\tActing\tNatasha Henstridge', 1),
 ('2001\tFormer United States Deputy Secretary of State\t3/1/01\tGovernment\tWarren Christopher',
 ('2015\tBaseball player\t5/28/15\tAthletics\tMatt Harvey', 1),
 ('2015\tStand-up comedian\t5/14/15\tComedy\tRebel Wilson', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t11/17/08\tMedia\tDavid Frost', 1),
 ('2010\tAuthor\t12/2/10\tMedia\tStacy Schiff', 1),
 ('2012\tRock duo\t6/28/12\tMusician\tTenacious D', 1),
 ('2008\tJournalist\t11/11/08\tMedia\tThomas L. Friedman', 1),
 ('2014\tUnited States Senator\t9/9/14\tPolitician\tKirsten Gillibrand', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t11/16/00\tActing\tRhys Ifans', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t5/16/00\tActing\tKyle MacLachlan', 1),
 ('2006\tlawyer\t1/18/06\tMisc\tR. James Woolsey', 1),
 ('2015\tactress\t1/20/15\tActing\tJennifer Lopez', 1),
 ('2013\tsportscaster\t1/28/13\tMedia\tBob Costas', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t4/30/01\tActing\tEric McCormack', 1),
 ('2009\tJOURNALIST\t1/19/09\tMedia\tAbderrahim Foukara', 1),
 ('2010\tConsultant\t9/7/10\tPolitical Aide\tTim Gunn', 1),
 ('2002\tjournalist\t7/9/02\tMedia\tJohn King', 1),
 ('2006\tSinger-songwriter\t11/28/06\tMusician\tTom Waits', 1),
 ('2011\tactor\t4/13/11\tActing\tTracy Morgan', 1),
 ('2006\tUnited States Secretary of Agriculture\t12/18/06\tPolitician\tTom Vilsack',
 ('2014\tWriter\t4/29/14\tMedia\tWilliam D. Cohan', 1),
 ('2013\tfilmmaker\t6/3/13\tMedia\tMaxim Pozdorovkin & Mike Lerner', 2),
 ('2008\tuniversity professor\t5/12/08\tAcademic\tDouglas J. Feith', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t3/20/00\tActing\tChris Meloni', 1),
 ('2001\tguitarist\t9/11/01\tMusician\tDave Navarro', 1),
 ('2002\tjournalist\t11/12/02\tMedia\tAlexandra Pelosi', 1),
 ('2000\tformer us senator\t4/20/00\tPolitician\tArlen Specter', 1),
 ('2004\tscientist\t1/13/04\tScience\tCatherine Weitz', 1),
 ('2012\tlegal analyst\t11/15/12\tMisc\tAndrew Napolitano', 1),
 ('2000\tactress\t11/14/00\tActing\tPatricia Arquette', 1),
 ('2006\tjournalist\t8/8/06\tMedia\tBrian Williams', 1),
 ('2014\tfilm actor\t11/13/14\tActing\tMaziar Bahari & Gael Garcí_a Bernal',
 ('2010\tFormer Governor of Texas\t11/8/10\tPolitician\tRick Perry', 1),
 ('2004\tformer governor of new mexico\t7/27/04\tPolitician\tGov. Bill Richardson',
 ('2003\tWriter\t3/4/03\tMedia\tWalter Isaacson', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t8/14/02\tActing\tKevin Nealon', 1),
 ('2001\tactress\t1/11/01\tActing\tJulia Stiles', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t8/8/05\tActing\tPaul Rudd', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t12/12/13\tActing\tEvangeline Lilly', 1),
 ('2006\tus senator\t3/22/06\tPolitician\tSenator Russ Feingold', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t1/23/02\tActing\tHarold Ramis', 1),
 ('2006\tpolitical scientist\t10/4/06\tConsultant\tIan Bremmer', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t9/6/00\tActing\tGreg Kinnear', 1),
 ('2008\tfilm actor\t9/24/08\tActing\tAaron Eckhart', 1),
 ('2008\tBusiness magnate\t11/12/08\tBusiness\tT. Boone Pickens', 1),
 ('2013\teconomist\t10/21/13\tAcademic\tAlan Greenspan', 1),
 ('2007\tColumnist\t10/29/07\tMedia\tMichael Gerson', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t11/14/02\tActing\tTom Arnold', 1),
 ('2012\tactress\t6/13/12\tActing\tMaggie Gyllenhaal', 1),
 ('2005\tScholar\t6/13/05\tAcademic\tLarry Diamond', 1),
 ('2006\tjournalist\t6/21/06\tMedia\tAnderson Cooper', 1),
 ('2003\teditor\t3/24/03\tMedia\tJim Kelly', 1),
 ('2010\tsoccer manager\t6/30/10\tAthletics\tLandon Donovan and Bob Bradley',
 ('2006\tauthor\t8/23/06\tMedia\tFrederick S. Lane', 1),
 ('2011\tactress\t8/18/11\tActing\tAnne Hathaway', 1),
 ('2007\tFilmmaker\t9/27/07\tMedia\tKen Burns', 1),
 ('2009\tactor\t12/16/09\tActing\tHugh Grant', 1),
 ('2012\tactor\t5/31/12\tActing\tJim Parsons', 1),
 ('2009\tswimmer\t8/6/09\tAthletics\tDara Torres', 1),
 ('2010\tauthor\t4/21/10\tMedia\tFred Pearce', 1),
 ('2005\tjournalist\t5/31/05\tMedia\tGerald Posner', 1),
 ('2003\tactress\t12/18/03\tActing\tNatalie Portman', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t10/28/13\tActing\tNick Offerman', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t4/4/01\tActing\tD.L. Hughley', 1),
 ('2006\tjournalist\t6/14/06\tMedia\tTim Russert', 1),
 ('2013\tConsultant\t7/30/13\tPolitical Aide\tTim Gunn', 1),
 ('2002\tModel\t4/17/02\tMedia\tTara Reid', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t5/4/05\tActing\tMartin Short', 1),
 ('2004\tauthor\t6/7/04\tMedia\tDonna Brazile', 1),
 ('2008\tBroadcaster\t6/26/08\tMedia\tTed Koppel', 1),
 ('2012\tus permanent representative to nato\t5/8/12\tGovernment\tAmbassador Ivo Daalder',
 ('2003\tactress\t5/1/03\tActing\tFamke Janssen', 1),
 ('2008\tprofessor\t2/27/08\tAcademic\tAllen Guelzo', 1),
 ('2014\tauthor\t6/19/14\tMedia\tHamid Al-Bayati', 1),
 ('2009\tbusiness magnate\t2/23/09\tBusiness\tJeff Bezos', 1),
 ('2007\tjournalist\t3/21/07\tMedia\tChris Hansen', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t11/2/06\tActing\tSacha Baron Cohen', 1),
 ('2001\tJournalist\t11/12/01\tMedia\tSteve Kroft', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t3/20/08\tMedia\tAlex Kingsbury', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t11/29/10\tActing\tJudah Friedlander', 1),
 ('2014\tFuturist\t2/25/14\tAcademic\tMichio Kaku', 1),
 ('2002\tsinger-songwriter\t11/4/02\tMusician\tChristina Aguilera', 1),
 ('2010\thumorist\t11/4/10\tMedia\tDavid Sedaris', 1),
 ('2004\tactress\t9/13/04\tActing\tDrew Barrymore', 1),
 ('2013\tstand-up comedian\t9/11/13\tComedy\tBob Odenkirk & David Cross', 1),
 ('2014\tJournalist\t6/10/14\tMedia\tSebastian Junger', 1),
 ('2013\tformer omb director\t4/8/13\tGovernment\tDavid Stockman', 1),
 ('2012\tFormer United States Secretary of Labor\t4/18/12\tPolitician\tRobert Reich',
 ('2014\tJournalist\t11/13/14\tMedia\tMaziar Bahari & Gael Garcí_a Bernal', 1),
 ('2014\tsyrian politician\t9/29/14\tPolitician\tHadi al-Bahra', 1),
 ('2003\tNA\t5/26/03\tNA\tIraq - A Look Baq (or how we learned to stop reporting and love the war)',
 ('2001\twhite house sommunications director\t11/7/01\tPolitical Aide\tGeorge Stephanopoulos',
 ('2011\tbusines magnate\t1/31/11\tBusiness\tBill Gates', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t8/13/08\tMedia\tPhilip P. Pan', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t6/23/04\tActing\tKevin Kline', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t9/11/13\tActing\tBob Odenkirk & David Cross', 1),
 ('2005\tauthor\t4/27/05\tMedia\tChristina Hoff Sommers', 1),
 ('2008\tFormer United States Secretary of Labor\t10/16/08\tPolitician\tRobert Reich',
 ('2010\tsoccer player\t6/30/10\tAthletics\tLandon Donovan and Bob Bradley',
 ('2005\tAuthor\t4/19/05\tMedia\tSarah Vowell', 1),
 ('2008\tactor\t8/4/08\tActing\tDennis Hopper', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t8/24/06\tActing\tMartin Short', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t3/20/02\tActing\tJohn Leguizamo', 1),
 ('2008\tjournalist\t9/15/08\tMedia\tBarton Gellman', 1),
 ('2003\tcommentator\t5/5/03\tMedia\tChris Matthews', 1),
 ('2011\tus senator\t4/26/11\tPolitician\tElizabeth Warren', 1),
 ('2010\tComedian\t12/14/10\tComedy\tRicky Gervais', 1),
 ('2013\tformer vice president\t1/30/13\tPolitician\tAl Gore', 1),
 ('2013\tcoorespondant\t9/19/13\tMedia\tChelsea Clinton', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t7/8/02\tActing\tAdam Sandler', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t8/6/03\tActing\tRobert Duvall', 1),
 ('2006\tactress\t9/11/06\tActing\tMaggie Gyllenhaal', 1),
 ('2012\tactor\t10/9/12\tActing\tBen Affleck', 1),
 ('2014\tactor\t11/12/14\tActing\tSteve Carell', 1),
 ('2001\tProfessor\t12/3/01\tAcademic\tNadine Strossen', 1),
 ('2004\tAuthor\t12/2/04\tMedia\tStephen King', 1),
 ('2013\tactress\t6/24/13\tActing\tMaggie Gyllenhaal', 1),
 ('2006\tFilm director\t7/18/06\tMedia\tM. Night Shyamalan', 1),
 ('2010\tactor\t4/12/10\tActing\tBryan Cranston', 1),
 ('2011\tjournalist\t4/25/11\tMedia\tGigi Ibrahim', 1),
 ('2012\tformer governor of california\t10/1/12\tPolitician\tArnold Schwarzenegger',
 ('2007\tauthor\t9/24/07\tMedia\tJohn Bowe', 1),
 ('2000\tFilmmaker\t11/9/00\tMedia\tMichael Moore', 1),
 ('2000\tactress\t7/12/00\tActing\tFamke Janssen', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t4/16/13\tActing\tTom Cruise', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t7/31/06\tActing\tWill Ferrell', 1),
 ('2004\tus senator\t1/21/04\tPolitician\tSen. John McCain', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t3/13/03\tActing\tTom Cavanagh', 1),
 ('2006\tactress\t10/19/06\tActing\tKirsten Dunst', 1),
 ('2005\tlawyer\t1/10/05\tMisc\tJohn Grisham', 1),
 ('2008\tformer white house press secretary\t5/13/08\tPolitical Aide\tBill Moyers',
 ('2003\tactor\t9/17/03\tActing\tCharlie Sheen', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t1/31/02\tActing\tJason Schwartzman', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t3/28/00\tActing\tJoshua Jackson', 1),
 ('2014\tactress\t6/25/14\tActing\tKeira Knightley', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t10/23/03\tActing\tAnthony Hopkins', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t7/23/02\tActing\tTim Blake Nelson', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t4/25/01\tActing\tTom Green', 1),
 ('2008\tComedian\t9/16/08\tComedy\tRicky Gervais', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t8/3/06\tActing\tDanny DeVito', 1),
 ('2001\tReporter\t1/17/01\tMedia\tSam Donaldson', 1),
 ('2014\tfilm director\t2/19/14\tMedia\tDavid O. Russell', 1),
 ('2001\tsinger\t5/7/01\tMusician\tChris Robinson', 1),
 ('2007\tBroadcaster\t5/3/07\tMedia\tTed Koppel', 1),
 ('2005\tBusinesswoman\t11/14/05\tBusiness\tMartha Stewart', 1),
 ('2013\tUnited States Ambassador to the United Nations\t2/14/13\tGovernment\tSusan Rice',
 ('2010\tFormer Governor of Illinois\t8/23/10\tPolitician\tRod Blagojevich',
 ('2006\tMayor of Chicago\t11/27/06\tPolitician\tRahm Emanuel', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t1/10/02\tActing\tJack Black', 1),
 ('2000\trapper\t1/12/00\tMusician\tIce Cube', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t5/14/02\tActing\tLiev Schreiber', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t10/2/01\tActing\tJames Belushi', 1),
 ('2001\tfilm actress\t8/2/01\tActing\tJaneane Garofalo', 1),
 ('2005\tus senator\t9/29/05\tPolitician\tSen. Chuck Schumer', 1),
 ('2000\tJournalist\t3/15/00\tMedia\tWolf Blitzer', 1),
 ('2004\tCommentator\t5/13/04\tMedia\tWilliam Kristol', 1),
 ('2010\tformer british prime minister\t12/13/10\tPolitician\tGordon Brown',
 ('2006\tAmerican Political figure\t6/13/06\tPolitician\tKen Mehlman', 1),
 ('2003\tstand-up comedian\t6/3/03\tComedy\tEddie Izzard', 1),
 ('2006\tauthor\t7/19/06\tMedia\tJames Maguire', 1),
 ('2012\tmilitary\t10/24/12\tMilitary\tDakota Meyer', 1),
 ('2004\tactor\t4/20/04\tActing\tMark Ruffalo', 1),
 ('2004\tstand-up comedian\t6/1/04\tComedy\tDavid Cross', 1),
 ('2009\tJournalist\t12/3/09\tMedia\tMichael Specter', 1),
 ('2009\tAuthor\t1/6/09\tMedia\tMichael Wolff', 1),
 ('2003\tactress\t8/19/03\tActing\tCynthia Nixon', 1),
 ('2007\tstand-up comedian\t3/27/07\tComedy\tDennis Miller', 1),
 ('2014\tus president\t9/18/14\tPolitician\tBill Clinton', 1),
 ('2015\trock band\t5/7/15\tMusician\tMumford & Sons', 1),
 ('2007\tFormer President of Mexico\t10/8/07\tPolitician\tVicente Fox', 1),
 ('2004\tJournalist\t7/12/04\tMedia\tWolf Blitzer', 1),
 ('2011\tAstrophysicist\t1/18/11\tScience\tNeil deGrasse Tyson', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t6/19/01\tActing\tMichael Rapaport', 1),
 ('2007\tpolitical figure\t9/19/07\tPolitician\tGen. Wesley Clark', 1),
 ('2011\tus senator\t8/4/11\tPolitician\tDick Durbin', 1),
 ('2014\tjournalist\t5/8/14\tMedia\tKatie Couric', 1),
 ('2009\tactor\t9/15/09\tActing\tMatt Damon', 1),
 ('2006\tstunt perfomrer\t9/20/06\tActing\tJohnny Knoxville', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t9/20/05\tActing\tAlan Alda', 1),
 ('2010\tFormer Mayor of New York City\t8/26/10\tPolitician\tMichael Bloomberg',
 ('2002\tus senator\t8/5/02\tPolitician\tCharles Schumer', 1),
 ('2005\tformer governor of vermont\t6/23/05\tPolitician\tHoward Dean', 1),
 ('2013\tJournalist\t2/21/13\tMedia\tSteven Brill', 1),
 ('2005\tJournalist\t4/5/05\tMedia\tThomas L. Friedman', 1),
 ('2015\tstand-up comedian\t6/10/15\tComedy\tColin Quinn', 1),
 ('2008\tJournalist\t6/12/08\tMedia\tRichard Engel', 1),
 ('2011\tfilm actress\t11/16/11\tActing\tDiane Keaton', 1),
 ('2010\thistorian\t5/10/10\tAcademic\tJack Rakove', 1),
 ('2006\tComedian\t12/13/06\tComedy\tRicky Gervais', 1),
 ('2015\ttelevision Series Creator\t6/23/15\tMedia\tSeth MacFarlane', 1),
 ('2004\tpolitical figure\t9/30/04\tPolitician\t"Wesley Clark"', 1),
 ('2002\tactor\t5/2/02\tActing\tWillem Dafoe', 1),
 ('2012\tStatistician\t11/7/12\tMedia\tNate Silver', 1),
 ("2011\tprince\t3/1/11\tPolitician\tPrince Zeid Ra'ad", 1),
 ('2007\tjournalist\t6/25/07\tMedia\tSteve Vogel', 1),
 ('2010\tmilitary\t1/6/10\tMilitary\tMichael Mullen', 1),
 ('2005\tactress\t7/28/05\tActing\tMaggie Gyllenhaal', 1),
 ('2005\tactress\t1/13/05\tActing\tAnnette Bening', 1),
 ('2009\tformer governor of arizona\t10/12/09\tPolitician\tJanet Napolitano',
 ('2004\tjournalist\t5/11/04\tMedia\tTim Russert', 1),
 ('2000\tactress\t2/24/00\tActing\tRachael Leigh Cook', 1),
 ('2000\tBand\t9/7/00\tMusician\tSpinal Tap', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t8/15/01\tActing\tSeth Green', 1),
 ('2005\tus senator\t1/20/05\tPolitician\tSen. Joe Lieberman', 1),
 ('2008\tFormer Governor of Arkansas\t12/9/08\tPolitician\tMike Huckabee', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t7/24/01\tActing\tPaul Giamatti', 1),
 ('2003\tactress\t4/2/03\tActing\tKelly Preston', 1),
 ('2011\tsportscaster\t12/1/11\tMedia\tBob Costas', 1),
 ('2006\tauthor\t3/13/06\tMedia\tEric Burns', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t11/5/01\tActing\tPaul Rudd', 1),
 ('2000\tactor\t3/7/00\tActing\tKevin Pollak', 1),
 ('2006\thigh-altitude mountaineer\t12/7/06\tAthletics\tEd Viesturs', 1),
 ('2012\tactor\t11/13/12\tActing\tJason Sudeikis', 1),
 ('2005\thistorian\t1/6/05\tAcademic\tHoward Zinn', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t4/25/06\tActing\tTom Selleck', 1),
 ('2014\ttelevision Series Creator\t3/3/14\tMedia\tSeth MacFarlane', 1),
 ('2005\tactor\t10/6/05\tActing\tPhilip Seymour Hoffman', 1),
 ('2013\tactor\t8/14/13\tActing\tRegis Philbin', 1),
 ('2015\tReporter\t1/29/15\tMedia\tSarah Chayes', 1),
 ('2001\tessayist\t9/24/01\tMedia\tFrank Rich', 1),
 ('2011\tLawyer\t5/2/11\tMisc\tPhilip K. Howard', 1),
 ('2011\tauthor\t8/8/11\tMedia\tMark Adams', 1),
 ('2014\tactor\t6/18/14\tActing\tKevin Hart', 1),
 ('2003\tactress\t9/18/03\tActing\tChristina Ricci', 1),
 ('2010\tus senator\t1/26/10\tPolitician\tElizabeth Warren', 1),
 ('2003\tactor\t4/3/03\tActing\tColin Farrell', 1),
 ('2014\tjournalist\t6/17/14\tMedia\tDaniel Schulman', 1),
 ('2014\tJournalist\t1/16/14\tMedia\tSteven Brill', 1),
 ('2006\tRock duo\t11/30/06\tMusician\tTenacious D', 1),
 ('2006\tactor\t12/4/06\tActing\tNathan Lane', 1),
 ('2006\tFormer United States Secretary of State\t5/2/06\tPolitician\tMadeleine Albright',
 ('2011\tJournalist\t11/2/11\tMedia\tTom Brokaw', 1),
 ('2003\tcorrespondent\t3/10/03\tMedia\tLes Gelb', 1),
 ('2006\tAuthor\t2/21/06\tMedia\tSarah Vowell', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t10/9/01\tActing\tOwen Wilson', 1),
 ('2007\tformer governor of new mexico\t3/28/07\tPolitician\tGov. Bill Richardson',
 ('2004\tJournalist\t9/29/04\tMedia\tSeymour Hersh', 1),
 ('2013\tAstrophysicist\t3/6/13\tScience\tNeil deGrasse Tyson', 1),
 ('2008\tFormer White House Press Secretary\t6/2/08\tPolitical Aide\tScott McClellan',
 ('2010\tTrack and field athlete\t11/15/10\tAthletics\tMarion Jones', 1),
 ('2000\tactress\t10/30/00\tActing\tBrett Butler', 1),
 ('2008\tus secretary of defense\t3/31/08\tPolitician\tChuck Hagel', 1),
 ('2012\tNA\t9/7/12\tNA\tnone', 1),
 ('2009\tauthor\t10/14/09\tMedia\tBarbara Ehrenreich', 1),
 ('2003\tformer majority leader\t3/12/03\tPolitician\tDick Gephardt', 1),
 ('2000\tfilm actress\t4/26/00\tActing\tJeanne Tripplehorn', 1),
 ('2008\tformer majority leader\t5/5/08\tPolitician\tHarry Reid', 1),
 ('2008\tpresidnet\t4/28/08\tPolitician\tPresident Jimmy Carter', 1),
 ('2001\tactor\t7/12/01\tActing\tVince Vaughn', 1),
 ('2009\tjournalist\t12/10/09\tMedia\tGwen Ifill', 1),
 ('2014\tTV Producer\t8/7/14\tMedia\tTracy Droz Tragos', 1),
 ('2006\tactress\t3/15/06\tActing\tNatalie Portman', 1),
 ('2004\tNA\t7/30/04\tNA\tNone', 1),
 ('2015\tformer president\t1/12/15\tPolitician\tJimmy Carter', 1),
 ('2000\tactress\t5/17/00\tActing\tJane Leeves', 1),
 ('2002\tactress\t10/8/02\tActing\tJill Hennessy', 1),
 ('2014\tauthor\t1/21/14\tMedia\tTheresa Payton', 1),
 ('2003\tactress\t7/30/03\tActing\tAlyson Hannigan', 1),
 ('2007\tHistorian\t1/16/07\tAcademic\tMichael Oren', 1),
 ('2012\tactress\t7/30/12\tActing\tRashida Jones', 1),
 ('2015\tactress\t1/22/15\tActing\tJennifer Aniston', 1),
In [26]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib notebook

dates = pd.date_range('20190101', periods=30)
print("  "*90)
<class 'pandas.core.indexes.datetimes.DatetimeIndex'>
DatetimeIndex(['2019-01-01', '2019-01-02', '2019-01-03', '2019-01-04',
               '2019-01-05', '2019-01-06', '2019-01-07', '2019-01-08',
               '2019-01-09', '2019-01-10', '2019-01-11', '2019-01-12',
               '2019-01-13', '2019-01-14', '2019-01-15', '2019-01-16',
               '2019-01-17', '2019-01-18', '2019-01-19', '2019-01-20',
               '2019-01-21', '2019-01-22', '2019-01-23', '2019-01-24',
               '2019-01-25', '2019-01-26', '2019-01-27', '2019-01-28',
               '2019-01-29', '2019-01-30'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')
In [32]:
df_dts = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(30,10), index=dates, columns=list('ABCDEFGHIJ'))
                   A         B         C         D         E         F  \
2019-01-01 -0.109599  0.726379 -0.470388 -0.515362 -0.445657  0.299956   
2019-01-02 -0.859919  0.416839  0.244168  0.320195 -1.076980  1.661578   
2019-01-03  1.193986 -2.244229  0.869715 -1.135802 -0.179242 -1.128288   
2019-01-04 -2.043781  0.471591 -0.766077 -2.301682 -0.741317  0.253760   
2019-01-05  1.246239  0.248465  0.604602 -1.241814  1.023508 -0.450893   
2019-01-06  0.031578 -0.708462 -1.377744 -1.257125 -0.351973  1.723117   
2019-01-07  1.224549  0.673794 -1.302713 -0.334440 -0.552620  0.342039   
2019-01-08  0.196173 -0.960023 -1.353015 -1.732536 -0.720154 -1.350141   
2019-01-09 -1.172079  2.320779  1.330782  0.143492 -0.055295 -0.270114   
2019-01-10  0.210956  2.045042 -0.192063  0.294655 -2.743975 -1.589617   
2019-01-11 -0.128774 -1.890843  0.640787  0.442975 -0.856062 -0.371612   
2019-01-12 -0.847002  0.206850  1.396297  1.311825  0.241269 -0.712629   
2019-01-13  1.590207  0.211618  0.128726  0.060976  1.204082  0.218084   
2019-01-14  1.194255 -0.343044  0.405129 -0.591748  0.562812  1.480669   
2019-01-15  0.549249 -0.157991 -0.147872 -1.625421 -1.077798 -0.685186   
2019-01-16  1.138407  0.424713  0.606651 -0.068940  0.897936  0.199428   
2019-01-17 -0.112678  0.049012  0.487129  0.519931  1.069752 -1.130717   
2019-01-18  0.072305  0.292158 -1.268237 -0.109491 -0.026310 -1.343728   
2019-01-19 -0.231701 -0.533878 -0.761131 -0.347099 -0.583502  0.227913   
2019-01-20  0.121890  0.465442 -0.168542  0.937025 -1.627101 -0.168524   
2019-01-21  0.347757  0.350850 -0.198476 -0.801151 -0.792570  1.240712   
2019-01-22 -2.452479  0.000698  1.072048  0.524405 -0.534612 -0.278135   
2019-01-23 -0.899654  1.153226  0.020685  0.768618 -1.584992  0.138924   
2019-01-24  0.301564  0.413633 -0.814919 -0.520201  0.111313  1.291363   
2019-01-25  2.695428  0.625779  0.170556  1.343223  0.660812  0.093688   
2019-01-26 -0.278044 -1.666839  0.769511  0.163504 -0.004852 -0.401424   
2019-01-27  1.602608 -0.466030  0.517929  0.743019 -3.096927  2.358090   
2019-01-28  0.374562 -1.022026  0.041437  0.759580 -0.692790  0.365803   
2019-01-29 -1.712577  0.036974 -0.643321 -0.113283 -0.318486  1.281165   
2019-01-30 -0.523695  0.392820  1.634792 -0.290700 -0.773417  0.561417   

                   G         H         I         J  
2019-01-01 -0.295082  0.421992 -0.632528 -0.823615  
2019-01-02  0.534991 -0.694605 -2.339941  2.092781  
2019-01-03  0.660281 -0.733852 -0.381121 -1.051164  
2019-01-04 -0.316834  1.965319 -0.047346 -0.164793  
2019-01-05 -1.069752 -1.968097  0.222934  0.259462  
2019-01-06  0.035857  0.392551 -0.997195 -1.746201  
2019-01-07 -1.236067 -0.467313 -0.068458 -2.007154  
2019-01-08 -1.442611  0.157457  0.634609  0.107610  
2019-01-09 -0.713710  0.522273  0.366320 -1.952724  
2019-01-10  0.941121  0.260961 -1.116092 -0.296829  
2019-01-11  0.915115 -1.891792  0.659828 -0.730663  
2019-01-12 -1.123702 -0.079196  0.589296  1.603290  
2019-01-13  1.154241 -0.589979  1.303153  1.011088  
2019-01-14 -0.115990  0.117575 -2.189782  0.767215  
2019-01-15 -0.702860  0.344653 -1.999032 -0.970828  
2019-01-16  0.217987  1.012891  0.388270  0.083154  
2019-01-17  0.689351 -1.848005 -1.059218 -0.143528  
2019-01-18  1.066178 -0.433649  0.088753  0.632316  
2019-01-19  0.743506  1.464795 -0.395368  0.538143  
2019-01-20 -2.147001 -0.891825  1.653709 -1.679112  
2019-01-21  0.989985  1.505707 -2.483633 -0.791000  
2019-01-22 -1.052197 -3.260719 -2.344716 -1.696386  
2019-01-23 -0.844823  0.707107 -0.067830 -1.341462  
2019-01-24 -0.789684  0.464667  0.855771 -0.235967  
2019-01-25 -0.442607 -0.056801 -0.377277 -1.223613  
2019-01-26  0.432686  0.742641 -0.567248 -1.555635  
2019-01-27  0.655268  0.423033  0.293689  0.520182  
2019-01-28 -0.392075  1.363959 -2.691704 -0.065440  
2019-01-29  1.544258  0.728701  0.306358  1.164644  
2019-01-30 -0.446307 -0.624798  0.277087  0.603003  
In [59]:
my_dict = {'A':199.,
           'B':pd.date_range('20190101', periods=40),
           #'E':pd.Categorical(["Ytest","Ytrain","Xtest","Xtrain"]), # 4 hardcoded strings

df2 = pd.DataFrame(my_dict)
       A          B    C    D     D_a       E        F
0  199.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
1  199.0 2019-01-02  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
2  199.0 2019-01-03  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
3  199.0 2019-01-04  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
4  199.0 2019-01-05  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
        A          B    C    D     D_a       E        F
35  199.0 2019-02-05  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
36  199.0 2019-02-06  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
37  199.0 2019-02-07  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
38  199.0 2019-02-08  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
39  199.0 2019-02-09  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
In [50]:
print("The DATA Types ---\n\n", df2.dtypes)
The DATA Types ---

 A             float64
B      datetime64[ns]
C             float32
D               int32
D_a           float64
E              object
F              object
dtype: object
In [53]:
Index(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'D_a', 'E', 'F'], dtype='object')
In [57]:
print(df2.values[2]) ## Numpy Array of "values" - print the 2nd RECORD
print("   "*90)
print(df2.values[3]) ## Numpy Array of "values" - print the 3rd RECORD
print("   "*90)
print(df2.values[3:5]) ## Numpy Array of "values" - print the 3rd RECORD
[1.0 Timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00') 1.0 100 1000.0 'my_STR' 'foo_bar']
[1.0 Timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00') 1.0 100 1000.0 'my_STR' 'foo_bar']
[[1.0 Timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00') 1.0 100 1000.0 'my_STR' 'foo_bar']
 [1.0 Timestamp('2019-01-01 00:00:00') 1.0 100 1000.0 'my_STR' 'foo_bar']]
In [ ]:
In [51]:
df2.boxplot # <TAB> Completion in Jupyter 
<bound method boxplot_frame of       A          B    C    D     D_a       E        F
0   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
1   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
2   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
3   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
4   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
5   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
6   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
7   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
8   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
9   1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
10  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
11  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
12  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
13  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
14  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
15  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
16  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
17  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
18  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
19  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
20  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
21  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
22  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
23  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
24  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
25  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
26  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
27  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
28  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
29  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
30  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
31  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
32  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
33  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
34  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
35  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
36  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
37  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
38  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar
39  1.0 2019-01-01  1.0  100  1000.0  my_STR  foo_bar>
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [15]:

# Create a PANDAS Py DF from a 1.5MB File 

import pandas as pd

df_1 = pd.read_csv("X_train.csv")
      3.400000000000000000e+01  1.000000000000000000e+00  \
0                         31.0                       1.0   
1                         56.0                       2.0   
2                         26.0                       1.0   
3                         40.0                       1.0   
4                         34.0                       1.0   
5                         26.0                       1.0   
6                         34.0                       1.0   
7                         33.0                       1.0   
8                         32.0                       1.0   
9                         34.0                       1.0   
10                        41.0                       1.0   
11                        27.0                       1.0   
12                        30.0                       2.0   
13                        35.0                       3.0   
14                        40.0                       1.0   
15                        32.0                       1.0   
16                        32.0                       1.0   
17                        31.0                       2.0   
18                        27.0                       1.0   
19                        26.0                       1.0   
20                        22.0                       1.0   
21                        35.0                       1.0   
22                        55.0                       1.0   
23                        36.0                       1.0   
24                        37.0                       1.0   
25                        51.0                       1.0   
26                        38.0                       2.0   
27                        30.0                       1.0   
28                        42.0                       3.0   
29                        28.0                       3.0   
...                        ...                       ...   
2027                      29.0                       1.0   
2028                      31.0                       2.0   
2029                      39.0                       3.0   
2030                      24.0                       1.0   
2031                      53.0                       1.0   
2032                      44.0                       1.0   
2033                      33.0                       2.0   
2034                      26.0                       2.0   
2035                      32.0                       1.0   
2036                      50.0                       2.0   
2037                      31.0                       1.0   
2038                      31.0                       2.0   
2039                      31.0                       2.0   
2040                      24.0                       1.0   
2041                      19.0                       1.0   
2042                      50.0                       2.0   
2043                      34.0                       2.0   
2044                      59.0                       3.0   
2045                      37.0                       1.0   
2046                      40.0                       1.0   
2047                      33.0                       2.0   
2048                      37.0                       1.0   
2049                      53.0                       1.0   
2050                      22.0                       2.0   
2051                      38.0                       2.0   
2052                      21.0                       1.0   
2053                      41.0                       1.0   
2054                      52.0                       1.0   
2055                      29.0                       2.0   
2056                      27.0                       1.0   

      1.130000000000000000e+03  1.000000000000000000e+00.1  \
0                        182.0                         1.0   
1                        906.0                         3.0   
2                       1449.0                         1.0   
3                        750.0                         1.0   
4                       1400.0                         3.0   
5                        652.0                         1.0   
6                       1440.0                         3.0   
7                        147.0                         1.0   
8                        515.0                         1.0   
9                        678.0                         1.0   
10                      1206.0                         3.0   
11                      1134.0                         1.0   
12                       109.0                         1.0   
13                      1180.0                         1.0   
14                      1137.0                         1.0   
15                      1045.0                         3.0   
16                       964.0                         3.0   
17                       754.0                         3.0   
18                      1054.0                         1.0   
19                       775.0                         3.0   
20                       604.0                         1.0   
21                       682.0                         3.0   
22                       685.0                         3.0   
23                      1396.0                         1.0   
24                       342.0                         3.0   
25                      1469.0                         1.0   
26                       594.0                         1.0   
27                      1275.0                         1.0   
28                       495.0                         1.0   
29                      1103.0                         1.0   
...                        ...                         ...   
2027                    1082.0                         1.0   
2028                     715.0                         3.0   
2029                     592.0                         1.0   
2030                     984.0                         1.0   
2031                    1070.0                         1.0   
2032                     200.0                         1.0   
2033                    1303.0                         1.0   
2034                    1096.0                         1.0   
2035                     604.0                         3.0   
2036                    1421.0                         1.0   
2037                     329.0                         1.0   
2038                     534.0                         1.0   
2039                     307.0                         1.0   
2040                     506.0                         1.0   
2041                     528.0                         3.0   
2042                     333.0                         1.0   
2043                     669.0                         1.0   
2044                    1420.0                         2.0   
2045                     161.0                         1.0   
2046                     299.0                         3.0   
2047                     515.0                         1.0   
2048                     977.0                         1.0   
2049                    1168.0                         3.0   
2050                    1256.0                         1.0   
2051                    1186.0                         1.0   
2052                    1334.0                         1.0   
2053                     549.0                         1.0   
2054                     266.0                         3.0   
2055                     410.0                         1.0   
2056                    1157.0                         1.0   

      3.000000000000000000e+00  3.000000000000000000e+00.1  \
0                          8.0                         5.0   
1                          6.0                         3.0   
2                         16.0                         4.0   
3                         12.0                         3.0   
4                          9.0                         1.0   
5                          7.0                         3.0   
6                          7.0                         2.0   
7                          4.0                         4.0   
8                          1.0                         3.0   
9                         19.0                         3.0   
10                        23.0                         2.0   
11                        16.0                         4.0   
12                         5.0                         3.0   
13                         2.0                         2.0   
14                         1.0                         4.0   
15                         4.0                         4.0   
16                         1.0                         2.0   
17                        26.0                         4.0   
18                         8.0                         3.0   
19                        29.0                         2.0   
20                         6.0                         1.0   
21                        18.0                         4.0   
22                        26.0                         5.0   
23                         5.0                         2.0   
24                        16.0                         4.0   
25                         8.0                         4.0   
26                         2.0                         2.0   
27                        28.0                         2.0   
28                         2.0                         1.0   
29                        16.0                         3.0   
...                        ...                         ...   
2027                       9.0                         4.0   
2028                       2.0                         4.0   
2029                       2.0                         3.0   
2030                      17.0                         2.0   
2031                       3.0                         4.0   
2032                      29.0                         4.0   
2033                       7.0                         2.0   
2034                       6.0                         3.0   
2035                       8.0                         3.0   
2036                       2.0                         3.0   
2037                       1.0                         2.0   
2038                      20.0                         3.0   
2039                      29.0                         2.0   
2040                      29.0                         1.0   
2041                      22.0                         1.0   
2042                      22.0                         5.0   
2043                       1.0                         3.0   
2044                       2.0                         4.0   
2045                      10.0                         3.0   
2046                      25.0                         4.0   
2047                       1.0                         2.0   
2048                       1.0                         3.0   
2049                      24.0                         4.0   
2050                       3.0                         4.0   
2051                       3.0                         4.0   
2052                      10.0                         3.0   
2053                       7.0                         2.0   
2054                       2.0                         1.0   
2055                       2.0                         1.0   
2056                      17.0                         3.0   

      1.000000000000000000e+00.2  4.000000000000000000e+00  \
0                            1.0                       1.0   
1                            1.0                       3.0   
2                            6.0                       1.0   
3                            1.0                       2.0   
4                            1.0                       2.0   
5                            5.0                       3.0   
6                            3.0                       2.0   
7                            6.0                       3.0   
8                            1.0                       4.0   
9                            1.0                       2.0   
10                           1.0                       4.0   
11                           3.0                       3.0   
12                           6.0                       2.0   
13                           6.0                       2.0   
14                           1.0                       1.0   
15                           6.0                       4.0   
16                           1.0                       1.0   
17                           4.0                       1.0   
18                           6.0                       3.0   
19                           6.0                       1.0   
20                           6.0                       1.0   
21                           6.0                       2.0   
22                           4.0                       3.0   
23                           1.0                       4.0   
24                           4.0                       4.0   
25                           1.0                       2.0   
26                           6.0                       3.0   
27                           6.0                       4.0   
28                           1.0                       3.0   
29                           6.0                       3.0   
...                          ...                       ...   
2027                         6.0                       4.0   
2028                         5.0                       4.0   
2029                         1.0                       1.0   
2030                         1.0                       4.0   
2031                         6.0                       3.0   
2032                         5.0                       4.0   
2033                         1.0                       4.0   
2034                         5.0                       3.0   
2035                         6.0                       3.0   
2036                         6.0                       4.0   
2037                         1.0                       4.0   
2038                         1.0                       1.0   
2039                         6.0                       3.0   
2040                         6.0                       2.0   
2041                         4.0                       4.0   
2042                         6.0                       3.0   
2043                         6.0                       4.0   
2044                         2.0                       3.0   
2045                         1.0                       3.0   
2046                         4.0                       4.0   
2047                         1.0                       1.0   
2048                         1.0                       4.0   
2049                         1.0                       1.0   
2050                         1.0                       3.0   
2051                         5.0                       3.0   
2052                         1.0                       3.0   
2053                         6.0                       4.0   
2054                         4.0                       1.0   
2055                         1.0                       4.0   
2056                         3.0                       3.0   

      1.000000000000000000e+00.3  6.600000000000000000e+01  \
0                            1.0                      93.0   
1                            1.0                      86.0   
2                            2.0                      45.0   
3                            1.0                      47.0   
4                            1.0                      70.0   
5                            2.0                     100.0   
6                            2.0                      55.0   
7                            1.0                      47.0   
8                            2.0                      62.0   
9                            1.0                      35.0   
10                           2.0                      80.0   
11                           1.0                      37.0   
12                           1.0                      60.0   
13                           2.0                      90.0   
14                           2.0                      98.0   
15                           2.0                      32.0   
16                           2.0                      34.0   
17                           2.0                      63.0   
18                           1.0                      67.0   
19                           2.0                      45.0   
20                           2.0                      69.0   
21                           2.0                      71.0   
22                           2.0                      60.0   
23                           2.0                      62.0   
24                           2.0                      66.0   
25                           2.0                      81.0   
26                           1.0                      75.0   
27                           1.0                      64.0   
28                           2.0                      37.0   
29                           2.0                      49.0   
...                          ...                       ...   
2027                         1.0                      43.0   
2028                         2.0                      54.0   
2029                         1.0                      54.0   
2030                         1.0                      97.0   
2031                         2.0                      45.0   
2032                         2.0                      32.0   
2033                         2.0                      36.0   
2034                         2.0                      61.0   
2035                         2.0                      56.0   
2036                         1.0                      30.0   
2037                         2.0                      98.0   
2038                         2.0                      66.0   
2039                         2.0                      71.0   
2040                         2.0                      91.0   
2041                         2.0                      50.0   
2042                         2.0                      88.0   
2043                         2.0                      97.0   
2044                         1.0                      32.0   
2045                         1.0                      42.0   
2046                         2.0                      57.0   
2047                         1.0                      98.0   
2048                         1.0                      56.0   
2049                         2.0                      66.0   
2050                         2.0                      48.0   
2051                         2.0                      44.0   
2052                         1.0                      36.0   
2053                         1.0                      42.0   
2054                         1.0                      57.0   
2055                         1.0                      97.0   
2056                         2.0                      51.0   

                ...             3.000000000000000000e+00.4  \
0               ...                                    3.0   
1               ...                                    3.0   
2               ...                                    3.0   
3               ...                                    3.0   
4               ...                                    4.0   
5               ...                                    3.0   
6               ...                                    4.0   
7               ...                                    4.0   
8               ...                                    3.0   
9               ...                                    3.0   
10              ...                                    3.0   
11              ...                                    3.0   
12              ...                                    3.0   
13              ...                                    3.0   
14              ...                                    3.0   
15              ...                                    3.0   
16              ...                                    3.0   
17              ...                                    3.0   
18              ...                                    3.0   
19              ...                                    3.0   
20              ...                                    4.0   
21              ...                                    3.0   
22              ...                                    4.0   
23              ...                                    3.0   
24              ...                                    3.0   
25              ...                                    3.0   
26              ...                                    3.0   
27              ...                                    3.0   
28              ...                                    3.0   
29              ...                                    3.0   
...             ...                                    ...   
2027            ...                                    3.0   
2028            ...                                    3.0   
2029            ...                                    4.0   
2030            ...                                    3.0   
2031            ...                                    3.0   
2032            ...                                    4.0   
2033            ...                                    4.0   
2034            ...                                    3.0   
2035            ...                                    3.0   
2036            ...                                    4.0   
2037            ...                                    3.0   
2038            ...                                    3.0   
2039            ...                                    3.0   
2040            ...                                    3.0   
2041            ...                                    3.0   
2042            ...                                    3.0   
2043            ...                                    4.0   
2044            ...                                    4.0   
2045            ...                                    4.0   
2046            ...                                    3.0   
2047            ...                                    3.0   
2048            ...                                    3.0   
2049            ...                                    3.0   
2050            ...                                    3.0   
2051            ...                                    3.0   
2052            ...                                    3.0   
2053            ...                                    3.0   
2054            ...                                    3.0   
2055            ...                                    3.0   
2056            ...                                    3.0   

      3.000000000000000000e+00.5  1.000000000000000000e+00.6  \
0                            3.0                         0.0   
1                            4.0                         3.0   
2                            4.0                         1.0   
3                            2.0                         1.0   
4                            1.0                         0.0   
5                            4.0                         0.0   
6                            2.0                         1.0   
7                            4.0                         0.0   
8                            4.0                         0.0   
9                            2.0                         0.0   
10                           4.0                         0.0   
11                           2.0                         1.0   
12                           1.0                         0.0   
13                           3.0                         1.0   
14                           1.0                         1.0   
15                           3.0                         0.0   
16                           2.0                         0.0   
17                           3.0                         0.0   
18                           3.0                         0.0   
19                           1.0                         2.0   
20                           4.0                         0.0   
21                           4.0                         1.0   
22                           3.0                         1.0   
23                           4.0                         0.0   
24                           4.0                         2.0   
25                           4.0                         2.0   
26                           2.0                         1.0   
27                           4.0                         2.0   
28                           4.0                         0.0   
29                           3.0                         0.0   
...                          ...                         ...   
2027                         3.0                         1.0   
2028                         4.0                         0.0   
2029                         2.0                         0.0   
2030                         1.0                         1.0   
2031                         4.0                         3.0   
2032                         2.0                         0.0   
2033                         3.0                         3.0   
2034                         1.0                         1.0   
2035                         3.0                         2.0   
2036                         3.0                         1.0   
2037                         3.0                         1.0   
2038                         1.0                         0.0   
2039                         2.0                         0.0   
2040                         2.0                         3.0   
2041                         4.0                         0.0   
2042                         4.0                         0.0   
2043                         3.0                         0.0   
2044                         4.0                         1.0   
2045                         1.0                         1.0   
2046                         3.0                         0.0   
2047                         3.0                         0.0   
2048                         2.0                         1.0   
2049                         2.0                         0.0   
2050                         2.0                         1.0   
2051                         1.0                         1.0   
2052                         1.0                         0.0   
2053                         2.0                         0.0   
2054                         4.0                         1.0   
2055                         3.0                         3.0   
2056                         4.0                         1.0   

      1.100000000000000000e+01  2.000000000000000000e+00.2  \
0                          9.0                         3.0   
1                         36.0                         0.0   
2                          5.0                         2.0   
3                         15.0                         3.0   
4                          6.0                         3.0   
5                          8.0                         2.0   
6                         12.0                         4.0   
7                          7.0                         3.0   
8                          4.0                         2.0   
9                         10.0                         3.0   
10                        21.0                         2.0   
11                         4.0                         2.0   
12                         4.0                         3.0   
13                        15.0                         6.0   
14                        22.0                         3.0   
15                        14.0                         2.0   
16                        10.0                         2.0   
17                        10.0                         4.0   
18                         6.0                         5.0   
19                         8.0                         5.0   
20                         3.0                         3.0   
21                         6.0                         2.0   
22                        36.0                         3.0   
23                        16.0                         3.0   
24                         9.0                         2.0   
25                        16.0                         5.0   
26                         9.0                         4.0   
27                        11.0                         2.0   
28                        21.0                         3.0   
29                         5.0                         3.0   
...                        ...                         ...   
2027                       9.0                         2.0   
2028                      10.0                         3.0   
2029                      11.0                         2.0   
2030                       1.0                         3.0   
2031                      21.0                         5.0   
2032                      20.0                         3.0   
2033                       9.0                         2.0   
2034                       8.0                         3.0   
2035                      10.0                         4.0   
2036                      32.0                         3.0   
2037                       4.0                         3.0   
2038                      12.0                         2.0   
2039                       6.0                         2.0   
2040                       6.0                         2.0   
2041                       0.0                         2.0   
2042                      32.0                         2.0   
2043                      14.0                         3.0   
2044                      30.0                         3.0   
2045                      16.0                         2.0   
2046                       9.0                         2.0   
2047                      15.0                         1.0   
2048                      14.0                         2.0   
2049                      15.0                         2.0   
2050                       1.0                         5.0   
2051                       8.0                         2.0   
2052                       1.0                         6.0   
2053                       8.0                         6.0   
2054                      33.0                         3.0   
2055                       4.0                         3.0   
2056                       6.0                         3.0   

      3.000000000000000000e+00.6  1.100000000000000000e+01.1  \
0                            4.0                         3.0   
1                            2.0                         7.0   
2                            3.0                         3.0   
3                            3.0                         7.0   
4                            2.0                         6.0   
5                            3.0                         7.0   
6                            3.0                        11.0   
7                            3.0                         3.0   
8                            1.0                         3.0   
9                            3.0                        10.0   
10                           3.0                         2.0   
11                           3.0                         2.0   
12                           3.0                         3.0   
13                           3.0                         7.0   
14                           3.0                        19.0   
15                           2.0                        14.0   
16                           3.0                         0.0   
17                           3.0                        10.0   
18                           2.0                         6.0   
19                           3.0                         0.0   
20                           3.0                         2.0   
21                           1.0                         5.0   
22                           3.0                        36.0   
23                           4.0                        13.0   
24                           3.0                         1.0   
25                           1.0                        10.0   
26                           2.0                         6.0   
27                           3.0                        10.0   
28                           2.0                        20.0   
29                           2.0                         5.0   
...                          ...                         ...   
2027                         3.0                         5.0   
2028                         3.0                         5.0   
2029                         4.0                         1.0   
2030                         1.0                         1.0   
2031                         2.0                         5.0   
2032                         3.0                        20.0   
2033                         3.0                         9.0   
2034                         3.0                         7.0   
2035                         4.0                        10.0   
2036                         3.0                         2.0   
2037                         3.0                         4.0   
2038                         3.0                         1.0   
2039                         4.0                         5.0   
2040                         4.0                         6.0   
2041                         2.0                         0.0   
2042                         3.0                        32.0   
2043                         3.0                        13.0   
2044                         3.0                         3.0   
2045                         3.0                        16.0   
2046                         3.0                         5.0   
2047                         3.0                        15.0   
2048                         2.0                        14.0   
2049                         2.0                         2.0   
2050                         3.0                         0.0   
2051                         3.0                         2.0   
2052                         2.0                         1.0   
2053                         3.0                         2.0   
2054                         3.0                        32.0   
2055                         3.0                         3.0   
2056                         2.0                         5.0   

      8.000000000000000000e+00  7.000000000000000000e+00  \
0                          2.0                       1.0   
1                          7.0                       7.0   
2                          2.0                       0.0   
3                          4.0                       7.0   
4                          5.0                       1.0   
5                          7.0                       0.0   
6                         10.0                       5.0   
7                          2.0                       1.0   
8                          2.0                       1.0   
9                          9.0                       8.0   
10                         0.0                       0.0   
11                         2.0                       2.0   
12                         2.0                       1.0   
13                         7.0                       1.0   
14                         7.0                      11.0   
15                         8.0                       9.0   
16                         0.0                       0.0   
17                         7.0                       0.0   
18                         2.0                       1.0   
19                         0.0                       0.0   
20                         2.0                       2.0   
21                         3.0                       0.0   
22                         6.0                       2.0   
23                        11.0                       3.0   
24                         0.0                       0.0   
25                         9.0                       4.0   
26                         1.0                       0.0   
27                         8.0                       1.0   
28                         8.0                       2.0   
29                         3.0                       1.0   
...                        ...                       ...   
2027                       3.0                       1.0   
2028                       2.0                       0.0   
2029                       0.0                       0.0   
2030                       0.0                       0.0   
2031                       3.0                       1.0   
2032                      11.0                      13.0   
2033                       7.0                       2.0   
2034                       7.0                       7.0   
2035                       7.0                       0.0   
2036                       2.0                       2.0   
2037                       2.0                       3.0   
2038                       0.0                       0.0   
2039                       4.0                       1.0   
2040                       2.0                       1.0   
2041                       0.0                       0.0   
2042                       6.0                      13.0   
2043                       9.0                       4.0   
2044                       2.0                       2.0   
2045                      11.0                       6.0   
2046                       4.0                       1.0   
2047                      14.0                       8.0   
2048                       8.0                       3.0   
2049                       2.0                       2.0   
2050                       0.0                       0.0   
2051                       2.0                       2.0   
2052                       0.0                       1.0   
2053                       2.0                       2.0   
2054                      14.0                       6.0   
2055                       2.0                       0.0   
2056                       2.0                       1.0   

0                          0.0  
1                          7.0  
2                          2.0  
3                          7.0  
4                          3.0  
5                          7.0  
6                          7.0  
7                          1.0  
8                          2.0  
9                          7.0  
10                         2.0  
11                         2.0  
12                         2.0  
13                         7.0  
14                        16.0  
15                         8.0  
16                         0.0  
17                         8.0  
18                         4.0  
19                         0.0  
20                         2.0  
21                         4.0  
22                        13.0  
23                         7.0  
24                         0.0  
25                         7.0  
26                         5.0  
27                         9.0  
28                        10.0  
29                         4.0  
...                        ...  
2027                       2.0  
2028                       3.0  
2029                       0.0  
2030                       0.0  
2031                       3.0  
2032                      17.0  
2033                       8.0  
2034                       7.0  
2035                       8.0  
2036                       2.0  
2037                       2.0  
2038                       0.0  
2039                       4.0  
2040                       2.0  
2041                       0.0  
2042                       9.0  
2043                       9.0  
2044                       2.0  
2045                       8.0  
2046                       0.0  
2047                      12.0  
2048                      11.0  
2049                       2.0  
2050                       0.0  
2051                       2.0  
2052                       0.0  
2053                       1.0  
2054                       9.0  
2055                       2.0  
2056                       1.0  

[2057 rows x 30 columns]
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