Tuesday, 29 October 2019

getting started with SPHINX - nothing fancy yet ....

Actually the usual - already had a little run in with trouble - see here for details -

Own code logs / dump as below ---

make changes in the conf.py === add the IMPORT for --- sphinx-rtd-theme

(demo_venv) dhankar@dhankar-VPCEB44EN:/media/dhankar/Dhankar_1/a5_test_sphinx/pycon-sphinx-tutorial/crawler/docs$ make clean html
Removing everything under '_build'...
Running Sphinx v2.2.1
making output directory... done
building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out of date
building [html]: targets for 1 source files that are out of date
updating environment: [new config] 1 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [100%] index                                                                                                                      
looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... done
preparing documents... done
writing output... [100%] index                                                                                                                       
generating indices...  genindexdone
writing additional pages...  searchdone
copying static files... ... done
copying extra files... done
dumping search index in English (code: en)... done
dumping object inventory... done
build succeeded.

The HTML pages are in _build/html.
(demo_venv) dhankar@dhankar-VPCEB44EN:/media/dhankar/Dhankar_1/a5_test_sphinx/pycon-sphinx-tutorial/crawler/docs$

Sunday, 27 October 2019

MITMProxy Basic Configuration and Snooping around - ZOHO , Whatsapp , Gmail etc

See the YouTube videos to see how the password reset functionality for ZOHO actually ends up exposing user passwords as plain text within HTTPS requests - why ZOHO why aint that the basic security stuff ??

We have so many of my buddies using ZOHO for their business needs - they tell me ZOHO's got some "complex algorithms" - mumbo jumbo i say !!


Friday, 4 October 2019

uWsgi wont get detected if its not a system wide install

totally DUH !! moment --

uWsgi wont get detected if its not a system wide install and has been installed in the Virtual Env - in my case the CONDA / MINICONDA Venv .

dhankar@dhankar-VPCEB44EN:/etc/nginx/sites-available$ uwsgi --version
The program 'uwsgi' can be found in the following packages:
 * uwsgi-core
 * uwsgi-plugin-alarm-curl
 * uwsgi-plugin-alarm-xmpp
 * uwsgi-plugin-curl-cron
 * uwsgi-plugin-emperor-pg
 * uwsgi-plugin-gccgo
 * uwsgi-plugin-geoip
 * uwsgi-plugin-glusterfs
 * uwsgi-plugin-graylog2
 * uwsgi-plugin-jvm-openjdk-8
 * uwsgi-plugin-ldap
 * uwsgi-plugin-lua5.1
 * uwsgi-plugin-lua5.2
 * uwsgi-plugin-luajit
 * uwsgi-plugin-mono
 * uwsgi-plugin-php
 * uwsgi-plugin-psgi
 * uwsgi-plugin-python
 * uwsgi-plugin-python3
 * uwsgi-plugin-rack-ruby2.3
 * uwsgi-plugin-rados
 * uwsgi-plugin-router-access
 * uwsgi-plugin-sqlite3
 * uwsgi-plugin-v8
 * uwsgi-plugin-xslt
Try: sudo apt install <selected package>
dhankar@dhankar-VPCEB44EN:/etc/nginx/sites-available$ whereis uwsgi
dhankar@dhankar-VPCEB44EN:/etc/nginx/sites-available$ conda activate dc_info_venv
(dc_info_venv) dhankar@dhankar-VPCEB44EN:/etc/nginx/sites-available$ whereis uwsgi
uwsgi: /home/dhankar/anaconda2/envs/dc_info_venv/bin/uwsgi
(dc_info_venv) dhankar@dhankar-VPCEB44EN:/etc/nginx/sites-available$ uwsgi --version